
Tuesday 23 July 2019

PSALM 126 Song of Ascent

When examining scripture it is worth cross-referencing with other texts. So for instance in recent post we looked at the different translations of Isaiah 62 with the Michelangelo fresco's.

The translation from the Hebrew into English is this with this Song of Ascents.

When the Lord brought back the return of Zion, we were like dreamers.

That is significant as Joseph was an interpreter of other's dreams and Moses asked for the blessing of the bush to be placed upon the head of a descendant of Joseph.

"Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joy. Then they said among the nations:"The Lord did great things for these".

The Lord did great things for us, we were glad.

Bring back, O Lord, our return, like the streams in the south.

Surely, it refers to the holy streams that enables the return, and people were joyful when they saw that I looked healthy again after a phase of ill-health. The Lord loves his healers, he did great things for us and we were glad. 

The next part of the Psalm mentions "those that sow in tears, will reap in joy". There have been days when holy tears rolled down my face while in the garden, due to the circumstances that others found themselves in.

May he who goes out weeping, bearing the sack of seed, come home in joy, bearing his sheaves.

In this Psalm seeds and sowing the seeds are some of the keys to the prophecy. As it indicates growing food for health and nutritional purposes. Farming was also significant to the family of Joseph, his Son, my mother, and many members of the family would spend their holidays working on the land. So farming and agriculture is in my blood.

A nine year old child said to me today, "You eat very healthy".

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