
Wednesday 24 July 2019

Children's Human Rights

It's nearly twenty years ago when I was first sharing the "Convention on the Rights of the Child"(CRC) and it is around that timeline when I connected up some activists from ARCH, Action on Rights for Children as they were campaigning against the "Information-Sharing Index", regulation that parliament were voting on.

What it meant was the information on all children would be included in that database, and could always be viewed into adulthood.

The leaflet that I still have from ARCH is dated November 2006 and the leaflet says that the plan was for all children to be on that sharing index by 2008. ARCH was a children's rights organisation founded in 2001. It is based on human rights instruments, with a particular focus on education, children's civil liberties and on issues arising out of e-government and the expansion of information technology. It looks like they have grown into the charity, Action For Children.

The Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) is one of the nine core UN Human Rights treaties; seven of which were ratified by the UK. It sets out the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of all children. It includes that public bodies should consider the best interests of the child when doing anything that affects children and the rights of children must be protected.

Source: Equality Human Rights website.

It was also written that children must be consulted on anything and everything that affects them.

Of course that also applies to how parents treat their children too, as children must be involved in decisions that impact upon them and their lives. They must be allowed to express their views freely. They have the right to education, right to be safe, right to play, right to leisure, right to be heard.

Consistently, successive governments have ignored the human rights of children, and the "Convention of the Rights of the Child" with their social engineering of children.

Not only that but they have also consistently refused to involve parents in the decisions being made on behalf of their children and that is why we are seeing protests against Wifi in schools, why we are seeing protests against Mermaid and the LGBT agenda being taught in schools.

Children were not consulted on the health risks of Wifi, mobile phones, and other technology. Children were not presented with the scientific evidence and research on the radiation that can impact on them and their health, and that includes Smart Meters.

There is enough scientific evidence on 5G too, that is a weapon of war, that impacts on eyes and skin. Scientists from many countries are standing against 5G and we should too.

Israel banned Wifi in schools, and other countries are moving forward to ban it too. Every mobile phone should have a health warning upon it and there should be age restrictions on children being allowed mobile phones and other technology that can cause cancer. In the research that I have seen, the scientists discovered that the highest incidence of cancer and other diseases was highest amongst the 0-29 age range, in fact the stats are off the charts.

Children weren't consulted about the bedroom tax, and whether they agreed to having their bedrooms removed from them by the government. As such, Cameron's government was in contravention of the children's charter and the Tories still are in contravention of it.

Why did the Tories take the homes and space of the children? Mass immigration, the Tories have been intent on massive house building projects to house immigrants and in so doing, covering more of landscape with concrete. That impacts on the health of children due to the less trees there are the less oxygen there is too breath.

Mass immigration has also put the health and the lives of the children at risk. It comes to something when mothers of Somalians are sending their sons home to Somalia because it is safer for them to live in Somalia than it is to live in London. Boris Johnson was once mayor of London, and nothing changed when he was mayor.

Since that time knife crime as soared and it is children's and their parents lives that are being traumatised due to it. As one godmother told the community in which she lives, "You are letting the enemy into our communities, and you shouldn't let the enemy in". The impact of mass immigration on British lives and the human rights of children, the human right to be safe in our country and culture.

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