
Wednesday 24 July 2019


Let's take a look at Boris Johnson the new Conservative PM.

His given birth name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and he was born on the 19th June, 1964.

He was born on the Cusp of Magic, he's a Gemini-Cancer Cusp. His strengths, "Affectionate, seductive, and objective."  His weaknesses are "Isolated, selfish and demanding", that's interesting isn't it when we have Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange in isolation in Belmarsh Prison.

At least Ezra has been able to visit Tommy and assure us that he is looking healthy, getting fit and is able to talk to Julian on the telephone. Although he has only been allowed one visit from his family.

Gemini's can be powerful communicators and with Cancer cusp he will also have a hard shell with an affectionate centre. With his previous journalism experience it is not surprising that he has been receiving media support for the position of Prime Minister, the country definitely could not stand Jeremy Hunt after what he has done to our NHS. Hunt should definitely not be given a ministerial post.

Boris also has his north node in Cancer, his soul journey and in it he has to take risks and be vulnerable, reveal his feelings and open himself up. Being transparent is going to be very important to his success. A complete opposite to Theresa May.

The media are talking about a BREXIT cabinet, so we could see Jacob Rees-Mogg join the cabinet if he would accept a job offered to him. I hope that Boris has the courage to replace Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary at the Home Office. Our patriots have definitely had enough of him, the sooner he goes the better. Boris also has to tell our people what he is going to do about the "Migrant Compact" that Theresa May signed. 

Boris was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon, and it was anticipated that he would be successful this year in the Year of the Pig. Although very likely to be conflicts to face head on with colleagues and the advice this year is to focus on finances and the financial aspects of our country, of course BREXIT is a big part of that.

Can Boris turn the Conservatives fortunes around, I don't think so, due to the immense damage that has already been done by successive Conservative governments.  I don't think that the Conservatives will ever have a majority government again. I don't think that Labour will either, not in my lifetime.

If they do call an election after BREXIT is done, some are anticipating it as early as six months, people won't be voting on BREXIT again, and it was only BREXIT that got the Conservatives elected in the previous two elections. News is that Tories are already rebelling against "no deal", when in fact we legally left the EU in March 2019 with "no deal".

However, I wish Boris best wishes in his new job, I'm sure he will try to do his best, and hopefully, he will pick the best team. Everyone that I spoke too in the UKIP membership were backing Boris, as long as we get BREXIT completed this year.

Although I think it is true to say that we all support no deal with the EU, as Jacob Rees-Mogg said previously, "we don't owe the EU a single penny".

Some of the media are saying that with Boris it is the end of austerity. Let's wait and see on that shall we. Will he axe universal credit and foreign aid? Will he negotiate with the 50s women that had their pensions taken away from them to the tune of up to £50,000 per woman?

Let's see how much affection he has for our women in our country and culture. Let's see how much affection he has for the working class, for families, and freedom of speech. Let's see how much affection he has for our culture, our patriots, our veterans and our NHS workers that have fought valiantly to defend it.

I'm being told divinely "they're afraid of civil unrest" and so they should be after what the Tories have done to our people and culture.

We require Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange out of Belmarsh Prison now, we demand justice for freedom of speech in our country, we demand justice for all.

Not in 100 days, NOW!.

Remember this Boris, it was Gerard Batten that was the BREXIT man in UKIP, not Nigel Farage, it was Gerard Batten that wrote the book on how to deliver BREXIT. Perhaps someone would like to tell Donald Trump that Boris when you have your meeting with him.

It was Nigel Farage that was intent on delaying BREXIT when he asked the EU to extend article 50, Nigel Farage and Theresa May "betrayed" the electorate and everyone that voted leave. For that they should be held responsible and accountable! We demand accountability in politics and integrity.


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