
Monday 10 June 2019


Mr Nick Cave sings, "Are You The One That I Have Been Waiting For".  His name reminds me of a recent dream that I received of a large egg shaped crystal in it, it was the size of a shoebox and the crystal was beaming with light coming from it. Spiritual symbology can be very powerful indeed and so can dreams. A Rock Quartz Crystal, symbolic of healing, helps us to focus, concentrate and prioritise and that is very important in this timeline.

The Islamic view of the symbology of a shoebox is very different to yours truly.  We used to have shoe shops in London called "Shoebox". My mother also worked in shoe shops during her life, she loved shoes, she had so many pairs of shoes. People born in the sign of Pisces and their shoes.

My Venus is in Pisces, probably one of the reasons why I did my utmost to understand her and how she did her utmost to make me strong, as she knew that I was born a sensitive empath.

It is important to provide people with clarification, as clarification is imperative for understanding each other. That painting reminds me David Green, when he first contacted yours truly for help, he was a CEO of a charity, he always stayed in mum's heart and he meant so much to yours truly and my heart of integrity. He manifested in her life and in my life too.

The other day I came across a tape of the remote viewing that I did for David after he commissioned me to do a remote scan. After the healing work he shared that he had an incredible experience while the work was being done and he sent a written testimony that I have in my legal file. He asked me to keep the tape of the session, when I offered to send it to him.

I used to record all of the remote scanning that I did for health purposes. The sessions were recorded while I was in altered state, I would listen to the tape afterwards, and type up a report to send to the client.

When people have clarity, it is easier for people to make improved choices in life, crystal clear clarity with the light beaming from it.

Planetary wise there is a grand cross today formed by the planets, and I see Christians in that painting above, for Christians in our country it is Pentecost weekend, Whitsun holiday.

When I lived with my parents we lived close to a royal barracks and I did a paper round delivering newspapers to them. I would deliver the newspapers riding my bike, then go home, make breakfast for my sibling and I, then get dressed and off to school. My school days began early at dawn, working prior to going to school, the work ethic of the real working class.

In the UK, yesterday was also called, "White Sunday". While bathing yesterday I ask the LORD what his will is for me now and I was then shown a large white stone warrior.

After that I found that there is a big march being held in London on the 29th of June, our military and veterans standing against the government at Hyde Park.

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