
Monday 10 June 2019


In two years, Portugal have reduced their unemployment by 50% they say. As I have shared before austerity doesn't work, austerity stifles the economy.  To balance the books you reduce imports, and overheads not the spending power of the poorest and most vulnerable. 

In the UK, Gordon shares with us that 120,000 have died in the UK due to austerity measures. 

I will include that the government didn't reduce the overheads of the government it increased them with two pay rises to MPs. Also since David Cameron, our country has had the largest government in the history of our country. If a country has to look at cutting overheads, the next thing they should do is cut what they are spending abroad on foreign aid, stop sending money out of the country and spend our money inside our country on our people.  Our people have to come first in all financial decisions. 

The next thing is to cut immigration and make it the strictest immigration policy in the west, if we can't support our own financially, then we can't support foreigners. 

The fact is that there is plenty of money in the UK, it's the way that it is allocated and spent that is the real issue. Do you remember when Jacob Rees-Mogg said paying £250,000 for a MP portrait was "Chicken feed"? 

For instance women born in the 50s had up to £50,000 taken from the pensions, while Cameron was talking about putting aside £50,000 for every Syrian refugee child living in the UK. 

Could you even think of taking the food out of your own children's mouths to give to someone else? 

That is what the the Tories, Liberal Democrats and Labour Party have done. I wouldn't vote for any of them, I wouldn't vote for the Greens or Farage either. Although I would vote for UKIP, the only truly democratic party in our Isles today. 

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