
Thursday 13 June 2019


As we know the home office has signed extradition papers, and he appears in court again tomorrow. However, previously the lawyers said that it could take up to five years to extradite him due to our legal system.

This is a link to the Wikileaks website and it gives an official response to the charges of espionage.

This is an old video of Julian Assange speaking about what American governments have been involved in and it was uploaded again to the Wikileaks Twitter Feed on the 11th of June, 2019.

Julian Assange has consistently said that he will fight extradition. In May, 2019 he also said the same to the court in London. Julian Assange has no intention of going to America willingly, he will fight it for as long as he has the ability to do so.


News from outside the court, the case has been deferred until February, 2020. I anticipate the case will be heard in the High Court. We will have more news on what happened in court later today.

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