
Saturday 15 June 2019


When I woke up this morning I saw a single flower, flower power time. Flowers for healing, flowers for flower essences and flowers for aromatherapy oils.

Some flowers can also be eaten, chive flowers and the flowers from the courgettes can be eaten.

In spiritual symbology the flower is a symbol of the passive principle of the feminine. The expansion of the phenomenal world and the form of the open flower also connect it with the symbolism of the wheel of rays from the centre. Flower gardens are symbolic of the blessed, paradise, the fields of the blessed, the gardens of the blessed. In the history of the ages divinities emerge from flowers, in particular from the Lotus flower.


Flowers can also be symbolic of the evanescence of life, and this week Pink Yarrow was given to a child for protection of the young empath and her energy fields. Each day I share something new with the child for her learning about health and how to look after her health.  Yesterday, I showed her how to use the grinder for grinding egg shells to put into the soil for extra nutrients and she is learning about the natural healing power of herbs.

Flower essences are ideal for children and their emotions, as they are so gentle and natural for the child. Although Pink Yarrow has been viewed as a medicinal herb too. Interesting that swallows line their nests with it to keep 'parasites' away from the nest.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

In Buddhism, buddhists offer flowers in worship. In Celtic symbology the flower is symbolic of the soul, the sun, and spiritual flowering.

Flowers are important to yours truly on so many different levels of being from essences to oils, to nutrients. When I returned to England I went for a Shiatsu treatment and the Holy Mother appeared before me and gave me a bouquet of flowers and with it she gave her guidance and counsel, in regard to yours truly looking after my health.

On my return I helped young families with flowers essences to assist with the healing process.

Although I began working with flower essences in the 90s when author Viv Williamson and I were working on the same circuit. I also had a next door neighbour that worked with flower essences. The power of the flower to help people to make progress in the healing of their lives.

On spiritual symbology I recommend a book by J.C.Cooper. On flower essences, Viv Williamson from Sun Essences in Norfolk wrote a lovely book that also shares how to make flower essences. Kitty Campion wrote some books on herbs for the family too.

One of the remedies that I am working with at this time is Sandalwood, the Tibetan remedy is working, although now I am going to make up some creams to share with others to try. As it would be great to have some testimonials on the success of the cream.


Recently, Jesus mentioned "the Duke", after he spoke of the Duke I found the Duke of Durham in this video he mentions the Green man and there was once a Mr D.J. Green that was a client that became a dear spiritual friend.  Our healing connection had been in existence for many lifetimes, our love beyond measure.

In the video the Duke mentions how man perishes without nature; that then brings us back to the teachings of those known as the Essenes and nature being the holy scroll.

My garden is called "Mum's Garden", and in it is saint Francis of Assisi that I was gifted with from Past Times. Also in my garden there is an angel that I was gifted with while I was in Australia, and I brought it all the way back home with me when my son and I returned home. The bible tells you that Joseph is gifted, and that Joseph is the flame. Moses asked for the gift of the bush to be placed upon the head of the family of Joseph and so it came to be from one generation to another.

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