
Friday 10 May 2019

Prince William Text Launch

How easily people in the UK take on systems from America especially now Meghan has arrived in the family.

It was only the other day that I was writing about the "Third Sector" and how that emerged due to the Labour politicians in the time of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown wishing to engage people that are compelled by their hearts to be used by the political establishment.

Instead of getting paid to do a professional job, William is asking for 3,000 volunteers for his texting service. As I have said before they think that they can run the NHS on the back of zero hour contracts and volunteers. Not only am I against people propping up our NHS with volunteers, I am also against encouraging people to use mobile phones.

Does William not know about the high incidence of "brain cancers" related to mobile phones? Does he not know that the highest incidence of brain cancer is between the ages of 0-29? Babies are even being born with brain tumours due to their mothers using mobile phones.

Healthcare by mobile phone and texting is their aim and I can never agree with it. Not only for the young, also for the elderly. Yea, technology that impacts upon nature and wildlife, what are they thinking of! Have they and their generation all gone start raving mad with technology?

William, Katie, Harry and Meghan are not professional healthcare consultants, nor did they work with underprivileged families as I did in a healthcare capacity. They didn't design and develop training modules for health and education workers, then implement it, I did.

This young generation of the monarchy have shown us that they're just "puppets for the politicians".

They can't fill in the gaps with mobile phones and volunteers without detriment to the health of everyone involved.  This is not America, this is England and we've seen the state of America and L.A. So no thank you, they couldn't even save Prince or extend his life America!

As the bible says, "Do not put your trust in Princes, in human beings that cannot save" Psalm 143:6 "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than trust in Princes". Psalm 118:9.

"He brings Princes to naught, and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing". Isaiah 40:23

As Jesus said, "Last Days". 

Turn your hearts to the children and the impact that technology has on them and their health. All mobile phones should carry a serious health warning. The brains of young people are at great health risk, as they're brains haven't fully developed until the age of 25. How will you remove the radiation from their bodies that you inflict upon our people? 

At least Diana understood how important human touch is to each individual, at least Diana went around placing her healing hands on everyone that she met that required healing. That's what healers do and the people in our country require a lot of healing, especially the poorest families due to the systems that the governments introduced. 

Keir Hardie, the founder of the Labour Party did not stand against different classes, he stood against the system. He was also against immigration and emigration, so don't tell me that Meghan and Harry are socialists, they're not, they are globalists like the Obama's. Don't bring the American blues of Obama to our country, we won't put up with it. 

They say nothing when our people are being politically persecuted. Diana would've been on stage with Tommy Robinson standing for freedom had she lived, although she was with him in Spirit. 

Diana would be campaigning and lobbying to save Julian Assange, a life or death situation. Diana would be visiting Julian Assange in prison and she would bring the media with her. 

Diana had more love in her little finger than all of monarchy put together and that's why the establishment were so afraid of her, Diana defied the establishment and what was happening to our people due to government "social engineering".  

Diana was not afraid to be controversial, Diana was not afraid to stand against the establishment, Diana urged me to make our conversations public to raise awareness and money for our health project to help depressed and suicidal youth, due to my heart of integrity, I refused. 

I told Diana that Spirit would have to find another way to fund the health project to help the poor. As our conversations after she passed over were sacred to me. The rest is history. 

Where two healers gather in his name, there Jesus shall be, that is so true, as healers included myself have experienced it over and over again. The power of love beyond measure cannot be underestimated and it cannot be replaced with mobile phones and technology that does harm to the energy fields of the person and our precious planet. 

Ask William and Harry how many cell towers will they have towering over where they live? Ask them why they support 5g and why parents in the UK are taking their children out of wifi schools. 

Ask William and Harry why they campaigned to save the rain forests, when cell towers destroy nature, ask them why Israel is not installing the war weapon of 5g, and why Wifi is legally banned in Israeli schools. 

Ask William and Harry what they had to say to the Tories that say to women that were born in the 50s, "You should be dead by now". What else did the Tories say, "There is no money", do you say that too William and Harry? 

And just when you are very displeased with William and Harry, Meghan posts on Instagram about her friends business, it costs £3,600 a week for a retreat that she recommends. Seriously, what planet is she on, for it surely isn't the same planet as people that live in the real world. 

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