
Thursday 9 May 2019

DAY of ACTIVITY 18th May 2019

In numerics the 18th of May, is the "Day of Activity", this year  it is the full moon in Scorpio, and I have Saturn in Scorpio. Apparently Saturn is at home in Scorpio's self-discipline and I can be very disciplined when I choose to be. Some say that those that have this placing are "talented thinkers" and some guys have said that about yours truly, although, to me it's basic common sense for an Aquarian.

Some have said, "You have no idea how powerful you are", "If you had money behind you, you'd be dangerous". "You've got more balls than all of the men in this town put together". When those things were said, I hadn't related it to my Saturn being in Scorpio, although it does make sense.

I can be very disciplined especially in my work life that can be very intense and some view it as passionate and purposeful. If you were born with Saturn in Scorpio then you are tenacious when it comes to protecting, defending your family and homeland, there is no compromise on it.

You could say that it is good for a mother to have it to protect her young, it's also great to have it for patriotism in defence of our country and it's freedom of speech. What's been on the menu today?

Almond and apple cake, plenty of nutrients with golden sultanas with a cream cheese butter icing on the top. I've also been eating smoked haddock with red capsicum and a poached egg. Chicken livers with red onions, red kidney beans, tomatoes, garlic and thyme. Lovely.

In this video Donna Page shares with us about the planetary energies of the day and the fullness of the full moon in Scorpio. Something is certainly bubbling for yours truly in different realities at this time, bubbling in a good way. It has a feeling of something rising to the top with an overflow of abundance again.

During my life I've often had projects that bubble and bubble until I feel the right time has come to move forward with it, or I receive divine instruction to act upon what I have been given.

Then suddenly, it all comes together, and it arrives at once like a waterfall and people ask "where did you get that idea from?". It's like when the rock splits and all of the water comes gushing out.

My moon is in Gemini, the communicator, so I was born to work in communications, a chatterbox, and a speaker. Although historically I've always tried to stay in on the full moon due to the energies that can be floating around out doors.

In this time of life, I am very much a home bird, I don't go out unless it is important to do so, and I like my own peaceful company. I have a strong feeling that my generation will hold each other together as all of the signs are pointing in that direction.

The people in my life this year have mainly been my generation and people that I've known in the past have shown up again. It's lovely when you meet up with people that you first met in your 20s, after many years have gone by. It's refreshing to say at the very least.

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