
Friday 26 April 2019

Parliament -v- The Elderly

In the UK, the House of Lords are trying to take away the little joys and comfort that the elderly have. They've decided that the younger generations require more support and that they will take away the elderly's television license, winter fuel bill help, and their bus passes.

While the Lord's get over £300 a day just for turning up in the house and MPs have just received a £2,000 pay rise. The largest and most expensive government in the history of our country. Members of the house that is like the American Senate, although the difference is that the Lords are made by politicians and are not voted for or elected by the people.

UKIP would abolish the BBC license fee anyway, UKIP would reform the political system and campaign for proportional representation, they might even go so far as to work on abolishing the house of Lords and beef up the judiciary system to defend our people more.

The rich men and women in parliament obviously see the elderly as easy pickings, just like Jeremy Hunt did with the women born in the 1950s, what the Tories did cost each woman £50,000. Then  Hunt went off to America and celebrated what he had done while many women were suffering immeasurably. Jeremy Hunt and the Tories seriously didn't care about our women that helped to build our nation.

The Tories and Labour took our country to war, The Tories introduced austerity and bedroom tax, the Liberal Democrats stood against the disabled. Now they're going after the elderly. Sometimes I wonder what happened to compassionate action in this country. I really do, as far as the house is concerned, they're ok with the elderly being forced to go to the food banks. While we've got veterans, homeless and on the streets. Seriously, they don't live in the same world as ordinary people that are just trying to get by each day.


On-line someone was saying they would make the elderly work for four hours a day, goodness gracious me, some of the elderly with serious health issues, have enough to do to live independently. and to just look after themselves. The elderly deserve their retirement and should be allowed to be comfortable in their last years with no pressure on them to do anything that they don't wish to do.

If the bus passes were removed, the elderly wouldn't be able to afford to go out as much as some of them do. They would be financially confined and restricted, there would be less people on the buses and then they would cut the number of buses running, making it longer to wait for a bus. The elderly keep the buses going.

I think it is the last days for the Tory party and Nigel Farage and his recruitment drive. Nothing can save the Tories now not even Nigel. I'm glad that I waited until after Nigel left UKIP, to join UKIP myself. A lot is coming out about him now. He even asked for the EU to extend article 50 and that is against our constitution. Some people are saying that Nigel is a "double agent", it certainly is looking like it.

I think people will have to get used to having coalition governments in the UK.

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