
Saturday 27 April 2019



26th of April, 2019

I was thinking of herbs while I was painting this green painting. 
Interesting that the light has created a babies face on the photograph of the artwork. 


I think a baby is coming from soon. 

Singing to a baby, beautiful. 

I keep on hearing the Moshav band singing clairaudiently today.

Maybe because it is the last day of passover and herbs are included in it.

It's very windy in the UK today.

What did you receive this passover? I was gifted with home grown asparagus, home made chutney, pickled beetroot, red wine, grapefruit and pineapple juice. I was gifted with carrot and beetroot seedlings Two new shirts. Love had a plan for yours truly to share my sanctuary and have a feast for passover. 

I was introduced to the black pepper mint herb, picked up some lemon balm, and ordinary mint. Also picked up a raspberry plant. Lemon seeds, coriander seeds, and pak choi seeds are in. Enjoying the food growing again this year. 

I made homemade carrot and fruit cake, gifted some of the cake, meat and veg. 

Hope you had a fabulous time. 

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