
Tuesday 16 April 2019

Notre Dame Paris Fire

Tragic that the historic Notre Dame Cathedral could burn so quickly, there were building works going on and that is when such an ancient building is incredibly vulnerable to those that would wish to destroy the Christian landmark. So close to the Christian holidays too.

Notre Dame de Paris = Our Lady of Paris

Monday, 15th of April at 5.50pm local time. The 15th of April, is the "Day of Definition".

The Independent reported that the French police are investigating. There have been a lot of churches burning in France this year.

On Twitter this comment was posted and then deleted. "TIME columnist Christopher J. Hale tweeted, "A Jesuit friend in Paris who works in Notre Dame told me cathedral staff said the fire was intentionally set".


This link says that the astrology chart today aligns with a Nostradamus prophecy.

Although no quatrain numbers are provided in the link to double check it. However, I have reviewed the translation of one of the prophecies provided in the link and it translates thus:

Chief of Aries, Jupiter and Saturn, 
Eternal God what mutations. 
Then by long time his maling time returns.
Gaul and Italy, emotions? 

The chief of Aries is the planet Mars, Mars is often described as the god of war, Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Saturn is the teacher. I have found a quatrain number for this prophecy on-line. 01.51. It is often the case that people look at the quatrains from a purely astrological stand point, and Nostradamus warned astrologers to stay away from his prophecies. He knew that words can have more than one meaning and he wrote creatively, poetically, and prophetically.

Nostradamus was clever enough to impart keys to his prophecies that only a true mystic with insight could understand and unlock. Another reason why a full analysis is necessary when looking at his quatrains, as there is always more than one might think.

Maling is a French surname derived from the word "Malin". The family were French Protestant Huguenots, who fled France in the sixteenth century to escape threat of persecution. In England they prospered in coal, shipping and timber. They also founded potteries.

Protestors, Placards and the Notre Dame where protestors were burnt at the stake while the French and the Muslims watched on the 21st of January, 1535.

The name can also be found in the records of New Zealand.

In Norwegian and Danish the word is to do with paint and colouring, and Paris is known for it's artistry and artworks. The Notre Dame was artistic in its architecture and it also had stained glass windows. Macron say's he will rebuild it.

Also found as a Middle French word from the Latin word "malingus". So then if we look at the quatrain translated directly from the French translated into English, the quatrain mentions "mutations" and a word that can mean 'malignant", or "maligned".

Then if you consider "mutations and malignant" together it points to "cancer" and the planet is in a North Node in Cancer timeline until 2020.

Mutations relate to genetics, as we know scientifically that genetics mutate if there are any cuts in childhood, that then can cause skin conditions and allergies. That scientific information was published in New Scientist in May, 2006.

Nostradamus was an advanced Christian healer. Hence he understood far more about the body than the Christian mystic was given credit for in modern times.

The other prophecy mentioned, "Notre-Dame is engulfed in flames. Emotion of the whole nation. Thoughts are with Catholics and all the French. Like all citizens, I am sad to see this part of us burn". 

Again, no quatrain number is provided, although Jessica cites the book on Nostradamus prophecies where it was found. As the first translation is different above to the one that she provided, there is no guarantee that the translation of the other prophecy is exact either. Although it is worth considering, due to the line up of the planets with it.

Also both of those prophecies mention the "Emotions" indicating that an event would happen that would impact on the people. Especially the Catholics in France and Italy.

Also earlier in the day, I watched a video uploaded by MEMRI, a Palestinian man speaking in the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. He said that "all physical obstacles will be broken down by a huge Muslim army". He spoke of conquering Rome, like they did Constantinople. The Notre Dame is something physical, the numeric of five is also a physical number and that links to the time, date, and quatrain numeric.

This is certainly not the first fire at Christian properties in 2019. It is clear that most of the persecution in France is upon Christians and Jews. RT provided this report on it.

In March, 2019, there was also a fire at the historic church Saint Sulpice Church, the same Church that is mentioned in the Da Vinci Code. Whether a person is a church goer or not, these ancient buildings are incredibly important to the culture and heritage of a country.,_Paris

How have Muslims responded to the fire at the Notre Dame? 

This video shows you their responses. 

And do you remember the Disney cartoon film a rendition of the original Notre Dame historical film?


16th April, 2019

Film of a man seen in the building while fire fighters were still trying to put the fire out. Media said that there was no construction going on that day.

Some people are saying that the guy seen in that film was a fireman. 
French fireman wear black jackets with yellow stripes. 
Some wear red jackets and yellow stripes. 

Inside the building

The Telegraph present the hero, this priest was also involved in the Bataclan, and was stationed in Afghanistan. 

In Jerusalem in the old city, there was also a fire on the same day at a place that is known as "Solomon's stables".

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