
Monday 15 April 2019


In England, in recent weeks we had David Lammy MP, that came out with a rant over a photograph of a white woman with a black child in Africa. Screaming against what he called the "White Saviour". A black man was actually standing against another black man's charity that Lenny Henry founded to help Africans. After David's rant, the donations to the charity decreased by £8M.

So the upshot was that one PR stunt, then impacted upon another PR stunt, that then impacted upon the donations.

Now we've got Ivanka Trump in Ethiopia, thinking that African woman require empowering. When in fact, African women are already empowered. I don't think that Ivanka has caught up with reality, she is way behind the timeline.

African female leaders are awake and so are African men, and when I say awake, I mean that they know about corporate America and the way that it operates. 

This film was uploaded in January, 2019, the text says that female entrepreneur's shared their experiences of setting up a business in rural Ethiopia with the youth.

From listening to the Africans they are not asking for anyone from America or the west to go to teach them anything. Bear in mind that some African women build their own houses with their bare hands.

I don't think that Ivanka has ever done that and nor have I. So why does she think that she has anything to teach to Africans?

An American on an American forum closed my thread on this subject matter. Can you believe it, an American got triggered so much by it - that I was banned on a social media platform for sharing that African people are awake and empowered. You can't have a dialog with Americans if they're not willing to allow others the right of reply. The right of reply is essential in any dialog.

America can't justify Ivanka's presence in Ethiopia, hence, why some Americans react emotionally to any criticism of its corporatism. Some Americans think that they live in the best country in the world, with the best people in the world, when the fact is - that a lot of people don't agree with them. Remember it was in 2010, that Hilary Clinton said "America is losing the information war".  

African people have many great leaders within their communities and I think they're doing a great job moving forward in the countries in which they were born. Yes there is still progress to be made, and they have decided for themselves, that they will make the changes that are appropriate for their communities. Many countries and unique cultures have no desire to be like America, and it really is time that America and Americans understood that.

The Black Opinion on President Trump.

So what are we looking at on a planetary level at this time, Robert Wilkinson (USA) shares the words "Economy of Energy". One thing is for sure that African countries receive so much sunshine, they can easily provide for themselves energy wise directly from the sun.

When my seedlings are on the window sills in the sunshine they even water themselves. It really is amazing.

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