
Friday 12 April 2019

NO David Lammy, NO Nigel Farage

Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP responds to David Lammy the Labour MP, and Nigel Farage and his dialog. Gerard Batten straight to the point on his Twitter feed. Follow Gerard on Twitter.

The media keep on pushing Nigel Farage although he has shown himself to be just another Tory, news today is that Jacob-Rees Mogg's sister has left the Tories and joined Nigel. Tory globalists, remember it was Nigel that told the UKIP membership to vote Conservative in the previous national election. I  thought this photograph was brilliant from Zerohedge. Farage hanging on the railings with the other Tories and Jeremy Corbyn.

Opinion isn't the law of the land and a motion in parliament isn't law. I've heard that another  judge has declared that we have already left the EU legally on the 29th of March, 2019. No requirement for Nigel Farage and his BREXIT party. Legal beagles are on it. UKIP are the only party that can be trusted to stand with and defend the working class.

The UKIP membership won't be voting Tory again. UKIP are fielding candidates across the UK to include northern Ireland. Gerard Batten and his team are also ready financially, ready to win in the EU elections if in fact they are held in May. At least UKIP are financed by its membership that are living members of it, we can't say the same about the Tory globalists.

Gerard Batten and the UKIP team are more determined than ever. He responds to the media and Nigel Farage. "His party is a Tory/Establishment safety valve. Yes, there is a difference - our people are not self-serving hypocrites". 

Big smiles, Gerard with a Batten, that can ram the truth home in social media. He reminds me of my dad, a great orator, eloquent and can throw the law book at them.


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