
Friday 12 April 2019


I'm sure people are still celebrating in Israel due to the elections in Israel this week. Interesting that in the UK there are discussions of closing the schools at lunchtime so that the children can go home early. In the UK we send children to school too early anyway, it was found that children are sent to school two years too early in the UK, and that impedes their learning abilities.


Michelangelo Fresco in the Sistine Chapel. 

I certainly witnessed that with my son, he was doing far better prior to going to school, although he did go to a wonderful nursery prior to school. I must admit sometimes I did wish that I could have had more time to educate him instead of having to work such long hour's to support us and our lives and living it. I did try to wrap up early on Fridays after lunch so that I could get home early from work to spend some more quality time with him.

One thing I can say about my son is that he loves to be peaceful, and in a peaceful environment, and he definitely gets that from his mother. As young children, we were both peaceful children, both Aquarians too that like their own space and individuality. Although we were so close, so intuitive, we were best friends. I remember when he cried in his crib the first night after giving birth to him, he was in a room full of babies, yet, I knew immediately, that it was my baby crying.

So I got up to go and fetch him, and then laid him on my breasts. He then went straight off to sleep prior to him going into his crib next to me.

Will the Aquarian Age be peaceful, humanitarians certainly hope for it. I would like to see more humanitarians involved in national politics in the UK and the removal of career politicians that are usually selected at universities. As people with university degrees are not representative of a majority of our population.

I saw a wonderful wood pigeon today sitting on the tree outside my kitchen window. I took notice of it because it's colouring was so lovely, light beige and very light grey. We find wood pigeons have come much closer to buildings due to their natural habitat gone. They nest wherever they can find a tree in a peaceful area.

What's to eat today, a plate of whitebait and salad and I shall make a hazelnut sauce with Greek yogurt.

The 12th of April is the "Day of Awareness". So are you aware of your peacefulness today, are you at peace with yourself?

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