
Wednesday 3 April 2019



I called this painting New Moon because after I had spread the paint, it looked like a moon. It's new moon on the 5/6th April and there is a by-election in Wales on the 4th. I think that Wales has a great farming future once we are out of the EU. It's a known fact that the EU were planning to cut farming subsidies anyway, and the Welsh people did vote in the majority to leave the EU. So best wishes to Neil Hamilton and his UKIP team in Wales. 

Although as I look at the photograph of the painting it also looks like a selenite sphere, a white stone with a yellow peak upon it. There are certainly lots of peaks in Wales, so let us hope that it is a peak achievement for UKIP this time. 

I see a blue T in the painting too, T for Tommy. Neil Hamilton was very kind to step forward to help Tommy when he required his help, and Tommy returned his help to the BREXIT elder in the lead up to the by-election. 

We will not be silenced for as Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance", and we do not comply with the globalists and what their intentions are for our beautiful green pastures. Wales is a lovely country, I have visited it three times during my lifetime. Twice pony trekking in my youth, and the third time was for a nine day training course. The numeric of three that is associated with wisdom. 

Every time I went to Wales it rained. There is plenty of natural resources of water in Wales. With all that rain it's a great place to grow celery, as celery likes plenty of water. 

The paint was spread on the 2nd of April.
The size of the artwork is A3. 

He said, "You are amazing", so let's have a Michael song.

APRIL 2019 

Michael Walker explains why he left education and the Conservative Party, and why he joined UKIP.

Yesterday, Sargon was sharing that the Conservative members are now tearing up their membership cards and posting it on Twitter.  That's England's walkaway campaign.

The polls say that if there was a national election there would be a hung parliament. However, we all know about the polls don't we, remember what the polls said about Donald John Trump when he stood against what Americans call the "deep state".

They called Trump "racist", and Nigel Farage said the same about UKIP when he decided it would get him some PR. Farage is great at publicity stunts isn't he, yet it was the great Gerard Batten that saved UKIP and turned it all around. Farage brutally went after Anne Marie Waters, he proved that he wasn't a knight in shinning armour either.

When David Lammy MP pulled a stunt on Lenny Henry's charity, that rant decreased the income of the charity by £8M. When Farage pulled a stunt on UKIP, funding, membership and support for UKIP soared.

So Farage isn't really on the same side as Trump is he? Patriots in UKIP are not "racist", that's the American "race card" that we threw right back at them. Defending our culture from "cultural genocide", is not "racist", it is the morally right thing to do. Islam isn't a race, it's a political, economic and social ideology. Even biblical prophecy is against Islam and what it's ideology has done to our people. Hab 2

Remember this that George Galloway supports Islam and even went to Lebanon to meet with Hezbollah and Hamas in 2006. He said in a recent RT interview that he speaks to Farage too and is going to run for election as an MEP in the EU elections. Galloway has made a documentary going after the patriots in the UK, so be prepared for more PR stunts. The forthcoming elections in May are going to be fierce in some locations.

Galloway thinks he can rely on slices of history to help his Islamic cause, not this time Galloway. He even featured Enoch Powell as being far right, when in fact, Enoch Powell was correct all of those decades ago. Enoch was a brave soul to put his personal and professional life on the line to help save our culture, what he said, he said, "without prejudice" and so did Carl Jung that also stood against Islam.

Islam is not our culture, and never could it become so. Islam and it's sharia law that kills gay people and those that commit adultery. The Sultan of Brunei asked our people to respect it, no, no, no!

Then compare that with the Christ teachings of acceptance, if Jesus can accept gay people, if Prophet Isaiah could accept gay people, then so can you.

When I was living in London, knife crime amongst the youth was unheard of, now it is reported that 21 children end up in hospital due to knife crime every single day across the UK. Clearly, mass immigration is one of the factors involved in this tragedy of how children are living their lives in the UK. Drugs gangs everywhere too.

As Gerard Batten says it is "the morally right thing to do to stand with Tommy Robinson and the working class in our country."  Justice is about defending the poor in our country, and against those that try to decimate our people. Justice is about helping our people, legally, scientifically, and peacefully.

So stay calm everyone, stay in your hearts of conscience, and integrity will prevail.

So what's been on the menu this week in my home? Home made thin based pizza. With tomato, garlic, red onion, spinach, cheese, marinated anchovies, green olives and oregano served with mayo and creamy coleslaw. Lovely, I do like home made pizza.

Just think of it twelve years watching UKIP MEP's and spreading the news, how brilliant it was to see our people filling the streets of London for BREXIT.  UKIP and divine intervention of the watchtower for the flock. The panoramic view with the bigger picture.

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