
Tuesday 2 April 2019

5th of April, Day of Consequence

Donna Page, April 5th, New Moon and the 5th of April is the "Day of Consequence". Five is also a physical numeric.

Donna shares that Aries is square Saturn and Pluto, Mars in Gemini, Venus in Pisces.

My Venus is in Pisces so an interesting energy for yours truly. With Mars in Gemini some very powerful communications that will be very emotive, a great day to write an article. The consequences of heartfelt emotive communications that touches the soul.

It's an Aries New Moon and the leader of UKIP is an Aries, Gerard Batten, with Mars in Gemini, we can also anticipate some powerful communications from President Trump. My moon is in Gemini, so no surprise then that my first career was in the communications industry. For the first half of my working life that was my passion in business.

It will be interesting to see what our people have up their sleeve as we move forward towards the by-election in Wales in April and the County Council and local council elections in May in the UK.

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