
Friday 29 March 2019


There has been much discussion about the different birds in the bible and some liken the eagle to the mother eagle that feeds her offspring, some even go so far as to say that it is a symbol of the holy Spirit. Although in Ancient Greece, the prophetesses were named doves and the dove is often symbolic of the Holy Spirit.

However, this quote from this article made me smile today, and it mentions how G-d had to time the Exodus perfectly. Indeed, the timing of arrival can be very important in the bigger scheme of things and the bible prophecies also mention an appointed time in Hab 2. An appointed time, the perfect timing.

A talmudic passage is cited, "If my timing was off, argues G-d, 'the goat would die'." An analogy is given of an eagle saving the baby goat that the mother goat was throwing off of the cliff. In the analogy the eagle returns the baby goat to its mother.

Why is it translated as eagle, maybe because the eagle has the physical power to pick up a baby goat, although have you ever seen an eagle return a baby goat to its mother? Not a suitable analogy then is it?

The men in some cultures have historically exalted their mothers and stayed close to their mothers, as scripture warned the son of wisdom to stay close to his mother. For how can a young man truly understand what motivates a woman, unless he has the life experience, guidance, intuition and insight of his mother?

My dad, the Son of Joseph was always around to help his mother, although they did have their differences. He also loved his disabled mother-in-law very much, and would do absolutely anything for Sophia. When you have grown up with a dad, who loved the women in his family incredibly, it does impact upon your worldview.

I remember the day twenty years ago when my integrity was questioned by two women, that day the Holy Mother appeared before me, she wiped away the tears, lifted up my face, and stroked my hair. When she spoke, she explained why they could not appreciate what motivated yours truly to help the children, she said, "their only motivation was self".

Yesterday, Tommy Robinson shared that he was talking to a taxi driver in Westminster and he was told by the taxi driver that the politicians refer to the people in our country as "children". No coincidence then that I had a dream recently of JRM holding a babies bottle.

JRM Baby Bottle Dream

Last night I watched a film of Amy being removed from the Houses of Parliament, outside Amy called out to JRM for help, he just walked away, in the opposite direction. JRM did not help the disabled woman or even speak to her. How many disabled people have you helped during your lifetime, and if a person called out to you for help, would you help, or could you just walk away like JRM?

If a person has a heart of conscience, a true Christian heart, a heart of integrity, how could anyone turn their back on anyone that is disabled? Could you, I could not. However, if a disabled person refuses your help, that is an entirely different matter. Then you have to honour what they have decided for their lives.

Gerard Batten and Lord Pearson certainly have a great Christian heart for all that they've done to help Tommy Robinson. Today, I watched most of the proceedings in London with the Brexit speeches, I managed to see and or listen to the first speeches on Ruptly.

Alan, Tommy, Gerard, PJW (on video), and Lord Pearson. A great crowd outside the parliament today with their flags flying and the band playing. The police were anticipating 400,000, although I don't think that there were that many. I think there was more people for the Freedom Day in May, last year. Of course a lot of people have to work on a weekday, so that does stop a lot of people being able to attend.

There has been some great news from the Netherlands, the "anti-EU party" is winning in the elections.

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