
Sunday 17 February 2019


The Daily Express "astrologer", has written that this full Moon is in Leo. "The Moon in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius". "The transit Moon passes through Leo the Lion between Sunday, February 17, and Monday February 18".

However, that differs to what other people are saying.

Pam Gregory shares that Chiron is moving into Aries on the 18th for the first time since 1968.

The 18th is the "Day of Truth", I have an appointment with the reflexologist on that day, so that fits perfectly with the planetary energies.

Pam says that this Super full Moon is in Virgo on the 19th, it's the closest. In numerics the 19th is the "Day of Explorer". 

I've always viewed Virgo as the planet of perfection, the importance of getting things right, and I agree with Pam on the lack of sleep at this time. It does appear to be closure on some aspects of life that we have been involved in as people start preparing for the next decade.

Many people are moving on, and making plans for the rest of their lives, of course in the UK, BREXIT is having an impact upon that.  A lot is going on with identity, as people face different phases in their lives in different countries, especially the generation that grew up listening to this song and their parents singing it. It was certainly an era of singing songs together at family parties with lyrics that were easy to remember. It was the era of the sing song.

The painting from last night indicates fire and water, the painting looks like it's got cliffs in it. I will take a better photograph of it at sun up. The painting began with the sun and it turned into what looks like a fire ball.

16th February, 2019

With Chiron in Aries, that can certainly be fiery with passion, as Aries is a very passionate sign of the zodiac and they like to get things done. If I remember correctly, Gerard Batten, the leader of UKIP is an Aries an emotionally mature one at that!

Did you ever wear a bowler hat and coat tails? It was such fun wearing vintage. The last time that Chiron was in Aries, I wore a lot vintage, we had some great vintage shops in London, and we also had a great  one locally.

When Chiron is in Aries it is a strong placement for meeting a love of your life.  So for instance, the last time Chiron was in Aries it was full on with relationships, following numerous proposals, I eventually accepted one and said yes. Then we got married. Although I don't think I would get married again, men tend to take your love for granted if and when you marry one.

Bible prophecy said that the angels in heaven wouldn't marry in the last days of the end times, when love is real it doesn't require a piece of paper to make it so. Although children do like their parents to be married, to many children, that completes the family unit.


My birth chart says I won't settle down again until 2020, although it's now or never for a relationship, Spirit and the last chance, makes me smile.  Chiron in Aries from Monday will continue until 2027. So if a relationship is in your plans, the timing could be perfect for you, just allow your life to unfold before you. Of course those born prior to 1968, are a lot wiser than then they were during the last Chiron in Aries transit. A lifetime of experience for my generation and length of days for those that did their utmost to take care of their health.

Jesus has been talking about a "Galatic movement" so it will be interesting to see what transpires.

Oh look, there has been a fireball seen on the 15th of February, 2019. It's been seen in Antwerpen, Stuttgart, London, Versailles and Blackfield. Over Europe then!


What can you see in the fireball? I can see the head and horns of a stag, Carl Benjamin founded a group with a stag as it's logo, a stag with a flame, he's also been talking at UKIP events. Wouldn't it be great if we could have a major sweep of BREXIT voters coming out in the May council elections to vote for UKIP in England.

Salvini is also telling the EU that they've got a few surprises coming from Italy. Many Italians would like to leave the E U too!

We're having a heatwave in the UK, 15-19c a great week for clearing up the garden and getting some sun to the body. The weathermen say that the heatwave is coming in from Spain.

Have a great time everyone, there is still a lot of healing work to be done.


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