
Sunday 17 February 2019


Ben from So, latest video on the "HEAD START", do you have one? In the UK it was SURE START".


Good advice given at the end of this video, although you would require as many paramedics that can be trained, and as many rescuers too! Are you prepared for such an event? What food and other requirements do you have in store? Ben asks what else would you recommend?


I would also recommend the aromatherapy healing oils as they can be given to humans and animals for healing purposes. Although I would select specific oils for specific reasons, as some oils are anti-biotic.

Flower essences are great although the oils outlive them. Both Jesus and Elijah spoke of having plenty of flour and oil. I would certainly store pearl barley, ground almond and olive oil. We can make cakes without wheat flour, and sugar.

The medical dogs are also brilliant and goats are important for milk, and they take up less room than cows.

On the 15th of February, 2019, there was a fireball over Europe including London. We also have a heat wave 15-19c in the UK this week. I can see a stag in this fireball on what looks like cliffs. 

Interesting that Carl Benjamin (UKIP member) otherwise known as Sargon was on holiday on Rhodes in 2018, he clearly likes Greece and the Greek Islands. They could certainly do with some help in that country to wake people up, the fires in 2017, and 2018 in Greece, showed us that Greece is not prepared. I've been looking at Cyprus this year, an Island that has always been on my list to visit. The Duran have also been doing a great job getting the news out! 


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