
Monday 4 February 2019

Footprints in the Sand

This song will always remind me of walking on the northern beach in Australia with Jesus, as we walked together in Avalon, I remember how he spoke of the power of the ocean and to be strengthened by it's power whenever you require it. We were coming home to England, for the next phase of the divine plan that began 20 years ago. 

Leona's song will always remind me of 2012 when he kept on telling me to paint, he wasn't allowing me to faint. Just as I wrote that there was a knock on the window on my left, the paranormal who could comprehend it, unless you are friends with it and embrace it with a hug of life. 

Sometimes life can be tough for his pure hearted mystical healers, he understands, he knows how great the cost of integrity with no compromise on it. He knows who has been true, who has been trustfully loyal, and faithful to his mission. He knows who brought glory to his great healing work and divine training, he knows who cared fully and who stepped up to the plate to help his healers. 

He knows who put others before themselves and who followed in his footsteps. He knows who were prepared to give everything to further the cause of divine love. He knew when it was time to change gears, when we were moving into awesomeness and the dynamic sphere. He knew when it was time for us to move on for our own sanctity. 

He knows when to send his mystical healers out and when to keep us in. He knows when to send us to the other side to keep us safe, and when to bring us back. 

Just like when we were sent to Australia and then he brought us back again, mother and son were safe. His intentions always pure hearted to keep us as our Father in heaven intended, pure in his sight. 

For as it is written in the Psalms in the Septuagint, the Lord preserves the souls of his saints. 


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