
Monday 4 February 2019

4th of February New Moon Aquarius

The 4th of February is the "Day of Unconventional" in numerics and Aquarian sun signs are the most unconventional of all of the zodiac signs. We can never follow a recipe, we always have to do things differently. With an Aquarian with a heart of integrity, there is no compromise in their work lives, as they tend to be perfectionists in their work lives, although yours truly was far more laid back in her personal life. 

So what's on the menu this full moon? Chicken liver pate with brandy and thyme, lots of garlic, great for the liver. I've made an almond cake replacing sugar with honey, I included some coconut milk, three eggs, and vanilla essence as I was out of almond essence. It doesn't require any flour, although I did include a teaspoon of baking powder. I included some golden sultanas that I eat every day for my hands. Almonds are great for skin inside and out. 

What else is on the menu this week, beans, anything made with beans. I like baked beans, butter beans, borlotti beans, red kidney beans, and chick peas. So meals including beans are going to be big this week. I've always liked beans, so be creative with your recipes for nutrition.

The scientists found that the reason that the Latino's live longer than Americans, they eat two thirds more beans. I like red kidney beans with tomatoes and chicken livers, or lambs kidneys, loads of garlic. Do you remember the recent dream of the American musician? When he was told that he wasn't eating properly?

The message that I received yesterday was "MATRON", so strong matron, motherly energy at this time. Mother of life. As we know the moon impacts upon the women's cycle, and also impacts on the tides. The humanitarian mother that takes care of her family, sometimes that family is her spiritual family, sometimes that is the family that is brought to her, sometimes it is the people that are brought to receive the mother's love, the mother's tender loving care, nourishment. 

In scripture the woman with wisdom more precious than rubies has her door open to whomever has to be fed. How many business women have been that selfless? How many business people live in the heart of integrity without compromise upon it? 

Riki shares that this new moon brings a 50 year cycle to a close. in my life my physical energy is low until the 7th, then it will improve every day. So big improvements in energy for my birthday on the 13th of February. 

Aquarians don't tend to be impulsive Rik, we tend to dissect everything prior to making an important decision that will impact upon the long term. We do like co-operation and harmony in all areas of our lives. Having peace of mind and heart is always essential to Aquarians, we enjoy adventures, although mature enough to understand an adventure is just that an adventure. 

Aquarians like change, and change is the only constant, so we rarely stay in any groove of life for any length of time. So for instance, once a groove and vibe has been a success in our lives, we are then ready for the next challenge, to do something different. Hence our work lives are always changing, and we are attracted to jobs and careers where we don't have to do the same thing every day. 

That uniqueness can be surprising for others that stay in the stay groove throughout their lives. The more free flowing we are the happier we are, after all we are the water carriers pouring out whatever a person, loved one, client or community requires. Another reason why freedom of speech is so important to Aquarians, for the key word of Aquarius is FREEDOM and that includes freedom to be who we were born to be! 

Interesting that the woman on the world card is Sophia = wisdom.

Philosophia, "love of wisdom",  is nothing to do with feminism or feminist academia.

In fact, biblically, she's the virtuous woman, the home maker that sews, and cooks, and provides whatever is required. Proverbs 31 Would you spend nearly two years making a bed covering, every single stitch by hand? Do you have that much patience?

The 21st century was born in wisdom!

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