
Monday 21 January 2019


While I was writing about the Total Lunar Eclipse I received this message:


Then last night while in the bathroom, Yah says "Boo", it's an affectionate term for a grandmother and it originates from Babushka. He likes to let me know I am in his presence. As if I could ever forget after the journey that we have had, he never forgets me either.

Funny that my mother called one her dogs "boo boo" and it is still the year of the dog. It changes on the 5th of February and that then will be the "Year of the Pig", an auspicious year for yours truly.

The 5th of February is also the "Day of Eloquence", so aim high in 2019 with eloquence.

I also like to wear wedges on my feet, cotton wedges allowing these Lotus Feet to breathe. What you wear on your feet can impact on your back, and your back can impact on your feet. My attention this week in my reality is on feet and podiatry.

The gematria for podiatry is the same as "Yeshua" and he liked having attention paid to his feet. Think of all of the massages that Mary gave to his feet, he'd walked a long way. "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints", Septuagint Psalm 96.

The gematria for Lotus Feet is the same as Pistis Sophia. In England, the NHS have outsourced podiatry, as part of the government's privatisation plan for the NHS. The company that was contracted to by the local Clinical Commissioning Group, people constantly complain about the quality and standard of the services that the sub-contractor provides.

So what to do about it? I have to find a proper podiatrist that I choose due to their expertise. I know who is talented and who isn't, I know who is doing their job properly and who isn't! My massage therapist and I agreed that the next step for my feet is the podiatrist.

So what is special about today for Jewish people, it is known as Tu Bishvat, The New Year for Trees.

What I have been eating this eclipse, the fruit of the tree, black olives, dates, and I do have grapes banana's, oranges and lemons. A great time to have a fruit salad, lovely and refreshing. I also have nuts, almonds, brazils, cashews, hazelnuts, pecan, and walnuts. An almond cheesecake would be lovely and I really like almond cake. I also like coffee and walnut cake.

Last night I had a grated carrot, with black olives, Greek Feta Cheese, olive oil and garlic served with humous.  My carrot was grated in my new Kilner UK Jar Grater. Kilner UK a great British company.

Interesting that in the last month more Russians have visited this blog than any other country. I hope that you continue to enjoy your visits to this blog. There is plenty of information to help people in this timeline, so don't forget to do a search on that which you might be interested in. The watchtower for the flock did come as promised in biblical prophecy. The herald did come as promised at the appointed time, wisdom more precious than rubies has lived to share the story.

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