
Monday 21 January 2019


One of the recent dreams that came in prior to the Total Lunar Eclipse featured an American Rock Musician with kidney issues, he received hands on healing from what Jesus called, "Radiant Hands" and he was told that he wasn't eating properly. Venus is also associated with the Kidneys and some of the ancients viewed the kidneys as the seat of conscience. Morality, and ethical activity.

American Rock Musicians Dream

Sometimes in the bible kidney is translated as heart and it is important that you comprehend the root words. In Hebrew the word for kidney is "Kilyah", so was the American rock musician killing YAH?

You certainly are if you are not eating properly, as he does like us to eat properly, another reason why food is so important to Jewish mothers and it was very important to my own mother. I remember the days when she would put celery on the table in a jug of water. Eating properly means eating for health and improvement of health.

In Tibetan Buddhism, what you eat is the second most important cause of "illness" and changing habits of what you eat is the most important remedy, the first is changing the way that you think. Right thinking and right action being two major aspects of the eightfold path. People don't change what they eat if they don't change how they think about health, food and nutrition.

That is a hard thing to do for many people although it is possible once people understand the power of it and how their bi-electro-magnetic fields work. In the 90's I wrote a manuscript of how people could change the way that they think, due to my clients keep on asking me to write it.

They asked and they were given. In the 90s I also used to recommend a book called, "Healing Foods", to get people started on looking at food in a different way. In it there are many scientific studies cited. I did my utmost to prepare people as much as I possibly could, and some people bought wisdom, and some did not. As it is written in the Parable of the Virgins!

The Tibetan Buddhists have a saying, "There is no need for medicines if you eat the correct diet, but if you do not nourish your body properly, pills won't make you healthy". In fact pharmaceuticals are "toxic" for the kidneys. So if you have to take pharmaceuticals to stay alive, then you have to detox as often as possible.

Some drink a lot of water, however, too much water can wear out your kidneys due to overuse. 20 years ago, some people that tried the Atkins diet said that they "felt sick", the reason for that is that Keto is great for detoxifying, and if you "feel sick" on a high protein, low carb diet it means that there is too much yeast in the kidneys.

So prior to trying any new foods, or including them into your menu's, it is important to do a kidney cleanse and detox first. You should also introduce new foods slowly, and don't go over the top like some people are prone to do, especially Americans with their fads that come and go.

When you introduce new foods slowly, you are able to assess any improvements, and what is helping your body the most, as you are all unique individuals with a different genetic inheritance and different susceptibilities. When you were born also has an influence on your health and the Tibetan Buddhists understood that too.

It is often the case that people are told that they have an allergy to wheat, when in fact, they have an allergy to yeast. That is another reason why I limit the amount of bread that I eat and foods with yeast because too much yeast and my eyelids would swell up in reaction to the yeast. The body of this mystic is very sensitive.

In the dream it was the right kidney of the rock musician where he was "feeling pain" he said. Kidney pain usually manifests on the side of the body and in the back, emotion also gets stored in the back and can impact upon the kidneys. Another reason why it is important to be a master of your emotions.

In the dream the security officer stopped the American musician by arresting him, and when a man is arrested for speaking, of course he feels emotional about it, as it impacts upon his manhood.

The kidneys are also closely associated with the prostate and men have more issues with their prostate than women do. Men often store up more emotional energy than women do, as women tend to release it more often from their bodies and express what they are experiencing, in England, we call that expression "getting it off your chest".

RIGHT KIDNEY painting is oil on cork. 


Celery is easy to grow, I recommend it for the adrenals. 
Kidneys and Liver. You can eat it fresh, braised or in soups.
In soup, I like it with coconut cream, 
or a watery soup with fresh coriander, potatoes and vermicelli, and or pearl barley. 


In this photograph you will see celery growing in my garden. 

Parsley is also great for the kidneys and it is also easy to grow. 

We know scientifically that what you eat impacts upon the child in the womb, not only that but it impacts upon the next three to four generations. That's karma for you isn't it, reap what you sow. 

Planetary energies are also having a karmic time with a Cancer north node until 2020. 

So how prepared are you for the next phase of your life and living it? Are you able to give healing to those that require it? Do you give a food basket of the best nutrients to help your friends and families health issues?  Ponder upon what you give with the power of your love.

This Total Lunar Eclipse is also about "TRAJECTORY", given divinely, so aim high! Interesting that I also had a dream with Bibi in it and he was asking when I was coming back to Israel. I told him that I had to go to Greece first.  The important eclipse dreams with men in those dreams. 

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