
Saturday 12 January 2019


I've called this painting "Therapist" because the following day I had an appointment with my wonderful therapeutic massage therapist. My leg muscles are doing much better now and these muscles have definitely gained from the specific leg stretches that I've been doing. With the regular massages with nutrition especially for muscles, ligaments and tendons. 

We found that there were some knots in the back and I wasn't surprised by that as there were a couple of traumatic circumstances that impacted upon two young men in my vicinity before Christmas; and I've not felt like doing much since then. 

Chiropractors and other body workers are aware that every person that has a back issue, has experienced some physical trauma in their lives. Sometimes that can be work related, sometimes it can be a car crash, sometimes it can be due to operative procedure, sometimes it can be an accident. Sometimes it can be a combination of trauma's caused by different life situations and the older you get it can compound if it isn't treated appropriately. 


10th January 2019 

Yesterday we found some knots in the feet, and the arches require some support because my feet are leaning in on themselves and that is causing the feet to knot up.  So my next health appointments for my lotus feet are with the podiatrist, and reflexologist prior to having my next full body massage. 

Overall tremendous progress has been made, and I am pleased with the progress and improvements in recent years. Don't give up, keep going, keep on it.  Body work is incredibly important to get to the areas of your body that only a professional body worker can reach. 

Health requires a multi-disciplinary holistic team, unfortunately, holistic health is not provided by our government health system in the UK, as such, people have to pay for the help that they require. That then makes people wonder why we pay so much to our British health care system in the UK, when it does not provide the help that the people require at the earliest opportunity.

Since the 80s I have known that people require holistic help at the earliest stages of any health issue. By the time that the medical profession do anything about most health issues, it is often to late for improvements.

It is insufficient for doctors to put all of the responsibility onto lifestyle choices when people's work lives have impacted upon their physical structures. Children start school sitting, and often have work lives whereby they are sitting a lot too.

Sometimes I eat standing up because that is what my body is asking for. My son would say, "sit down mum". Are you intuitive with your own body, do you have body intuition? Are you caring for your body tenderly and allowing others to be tender to your body? Do you care fully for your temple and honour it the best that you can? "Therefore honour God with your bodies" quote from 1 Corinthians 6

We know that Mary Magdalene gave massages to Jesus, and she also worked with healing oils, an aromatherapist. Remember when the Apostles complained about the cost of the healing oils and Jesus receiving them. We know that Mary was a reflexologist too, and reflexology can be traced back at least 5,000 years ago to Egypt. Our healers in ancient cultures, holistic health.

We also know that in Egypt people received sound healing. In Egypt, they had crystal bowls big enough for people to sit in.

In 2000 after my son and I returned from Australia, Mother Mary appeared before yours truly during a Shiatsu treatment. She gave me her arms full of flowers, and pleaded with me to take care of my health so I could complete my mission that I had incarnated for.

Her message that day always stayed in my heart and it was later that year that Mary gave the guided meditation. In 2001, it was launched and it reached the top of the charts incredibly quickly. It was divine intervention.

Prior to the mission to Israel in 2006, she came to tell me that I would meet some orphans on my journey. Indeed I did, while at Ein Gedi, whilst in the swimming pool I asked her about the children, she responded, "Open your eyes".

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was surrounded with children that had arrived from a care home with their carers. They quietly slipped into the swimming pool prior to splashing around happily.

I stayed in the pool amongst the disabled children, and beamed healing energy to them with my eyes and hands as the sun beamed down upon us. Of course lots of loving smiles too, they had such a happy day, the Israeli carers were wonderful with the disabled children, the children were so joyful that day at Ein Gedi.

Once a flower child, always a flower child in our hearts.

Amazing that some of my female family members were florists.

Passing the message forward.


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