
Saturday 12 January 2019


While Israel is getting the snow, Saudi received a biblical plague of locusts at Mecca. I'm not surprised at all by this happening. Saudi have invested in Silicone Valley and western media, dictating to those corporations what they can and cannot do. When Saudi tells the corporations to jump, they ask how high?

My English people have been banned on Twitter, Facebook, Patreon, even by Pay Pal, just for being themselves, in their hearts of conscience, and for speaking the truth. Saudi stop buying into western corporations that are impacting upon the lives and prosperity of my people. Stop buying people and property in western countries.

The locusts are reminding you Saudi Muslims, to "Let my people go". The truth is known by my people about Islam and its political ideology.

There is nothing that you can do to stop the biblical prophecy of Hab 2, for the herald came and ran with the prophecy about Islam and its non-drinkers, and what Muslims have done to our women and children that we were forewarned about in prophecy. Bible prophecy tells you to drink!

Yahweh's biblical prophecy tells the Muslims that "shame shall cover your glory", just like the swarm of locusts upon Mecca. How many warnings do you have to receive? You can stop bombing Yemen too, its women and children, as we won't put up with you, and the humanitarian crisis that you have created in Yemen. I can tell you this that "Violence vexes the Spirit of God".

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