
Monday 14 January 2019


I often see things when my eyes are closed having oral surgery. My lovely holistic dentists. Sometimes I've seen flowers, colour and butterflies. Today while having a check-up, clean, and a filling. I saw a symbol dancing in front my eyes and it was in what looked like sunshine in blue, pulsating.

At first it looked like a Hebrew letter, but I'm now wondering whether it was the celestial Pi, as the dentist was mainly working on one tooth on my right in my lower jaw. The Pi has the numeric of 80.

The fact that the symbol was in the sunshine is significant. As I won't have to see the dentist again until the summertime. Six monthly check-ups.

You could view it as the Hebrew symbol of Chai, and that means "LIVING".  The dentist knows I am living. Sometimes when you see flashing symbols with your third eye, it happens so quickly, it can be difficult to identify the symbol that you are being shown.

However, the symbol for living seen in the sunshine, in a celestial blue sky is a good sign and we have a solar eclipse coming on the 20/21st of January, 2019, in Leo. So that would make sense, as Leo is the sun sign of the heart and we have a total lunar eclipse coming quickly.

People born between 1939 - 1956 were also born with Pluto in Leo, so there is a couple of generations of us that were born in that timeline and some call it the "Sensitive Generation". 

Creative in our self-expression, creativity that brought the breakthroughs, and transformations in our lives. Carnaby Street, and the Kings Road, are great examples of the creativity in clothes that was manifesting for these generations in London. Clothes that were designed and made in London, they were also economic to purchase.

Although my generation were also taught how to make our own clothes at school. The creative variety of what we were offered in education was great for preparing us for our work lives. It was also great for inspiring self-initiative.

From school days I would visit the dentist every six months, as I knew that looking after our teeth was very important. Every single tooth is connected to a different system in the body that is vital for health. In London our family dentist was in Hatton Garden, he was friends with dad.

My young holistic dentist is lovely, he's so gentle with me. When healing hands are upon me I see things, do you? While I was receiving treatment I also saw the Reiki healing energy on my right, where he was working the violet energy manifested. 

So what's on the menu this week?

Marinated herring.
Greek Feta Cheese
Cream Cheese with apricot and pine nuts.
Smoked Cheese
Greek Yogurt.

Lamb shanks with rosemary.
Roast Chicken
Cod and salmon.

Brussel Sprouts

Baked beans
Butter beans
Borlotti beans

Artichoke hearts
Red Onion

White Grapes

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