
Sunday 6 January 2019

Snow Italian Beaches

Ben shares some pics of Italian beaches covered in snow in this video today. The Burka wasn't made for snow was it. Some immigrants go home because they have better weather and more opportunities at home. Some say they don't like European food and go home for that reason too.

Some people say that Islam is charitable, and looks after orphans. Is that true in reality, how many people do you know that adopt children? In Egypt there are Muslim orphanages and Christian run orphanages.

The last I heard those orphanages that were filled with young boys, only the Muslim orphanages were receiving funding from the government. Now if Muslims really took care of orphans, there would be no orphanages in Egypt would there? The children would be adopted. Basic common sense.

Looking after orphans, and widows e.g. women on their own is biblical. So is self-discipline, and brotherhood of man, that is also biblical. The concept of charity did not begin with Islam and charity begins at home in our home countries.

That's why I like Salvini, he defends the human rights of the Italian people to exist and prosper. He puts his own people and Italian culture first. I must say that the Italian language is lovely, it rolls off the tongue. It's definitely what I would call a singing language.

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