
Sunday 6 January 2019


While spreading the paint for this artwork, suddenly an aroma of lipstick arrived. I think I know who that is and who has chosen the signature of the aroma of lipstick. She was talking in my right ear while I was sitting in the pews at her funeral in December 2018.  I was wearing pink lipstick that day, although I rarely wear lipstick.

Then the same night she spoke again and she said, "What you did today was laudable".

 Let's have some pink feathers for her to go with the lipstick.

I can see a dog in the photograph of the feathers can you? It's right in the middle, it looks like a German shepherd dog. Trudy was British born in Germany due to her being born into a military family. So I can appreciate the appearance of that type of dog in this photograph. So I can say that she is definitely around and popping into see me sometimes.


She also passed over in the year of the dog at 70 years old, dogs can be wonderful spiritual healers and protectors, and in a biblical sense, the dog licked it!  "Life after death" is an incredible spiritual reality. I hope that she's writing on the other side like she did on the planet, that woman wrote beautiful poems that should've been published.

Interesting that pink and gold is the colour of my bedroom. Pink walls, gold coloured carpet, and lazuli doors. I see a woman in this painting holding a musical instrument. The music that impacts upon the heart. It reminds me of the holy mother's healing meditation in my heart, and I do still have some CD's in my bedroom. Maybe 2019, is the year of spreading some more copies of it to help people with their health and healing.

Children love music and singing and singing is great for their energetic bodies. The youngest child that loved the healing meditation was 18 months old. She taught herself how to put the CD player on so that she could listen to it everyday prior to bed. She listened to the CD so often, I had to give her mother a second copy of it. She will be about 18 years old this year. 

As Jesus said, "Children are the supreme joy of human life". 

This little Sophie is certainly joyful.

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