
Wednesday 9 January 2019

SKIN Disease and Messiah

People often post on-line that they're thinking about getting a tattoo and should they do it?

1. If you have to ask someone else about getting a tattoo then your soul is saying NO!

2. Why would anyone wish to put graffiti on the temple of their body and its doors?

3. Few people are educated about the skin, and the fact that the pores of the skin let out, and let in light that is required for the immune system of which your skin is part of.  So whatever a person does to their skin they also do to their immune system.

4. Never take your bodies for granted, nor your skin. I think people that have grown up in families with skin issues have more compassion for those that suffer from them. They're also more aware of the fragility and tenderness of the skin than others that didn't grow up in families with skin health conditions.


5. There are specific skin conditions that are hereditary and cuts in childhood mutate genetics and that can be a cause of all sorts of allergies and skin conditions. For the science article on that I recommend that you read New Scientist, May, 2006. Interesting that I was reading it on my first flight to Israel, it was definitely divine providence.

While I was in Israel I also met a group of people that the Danish medical consultants sent to Ein Gedi every year for a month to receive treatments and the sun shine. However, Ein Gedi can be very humid. One of the group that I spoke with shared that it was the sun that helped the most.

How generous and compassionate of the Danish government to pay for the Danish patients to receive a month abroad in Israel every year.

The skin disease and the heart of Messiah.

The right arm of Moshe became as white as snow and so did mine.

Although it is healed up on my right arm now.

I have suffered from this skin condition since I was 25 years old and the best thing for my olive skinned body is the sunshine. When I lived in Australia for a year and received the sun every day, it healed up by at least 96%.  

I still have patches of it, on my lower back and on the back of and on the sides of my head. Of course the Jewish sages knew that I would get it on the sides of my head. 

For health reasons I have to live in the sun shine, so I trust in the LORD that he will help me to do that. If you have compassion for people that suffer from mutated genetics every day of their lives, please help them as much as you can. It isn't just about their skin, this health condition can make people feel really out of sorts, it drains your energy and wears you down. 

Another reason why I listen to a lot of lovely music, it keeps my vibration up.

People with serious skin conditions often suffer in silence, and doctors in the UK often tell them that they will just have to live with it for the rest of their lives. 

It was when the consultants were saying that, the healing journey began in earnest in the 90s. 

That is a major reason why this mystic became a Reiki healer and went onto became a teacher of Reiki healing training courses. In helping others, I was also helping myself, as every time I gave a treatment, I received one. 

During the years of teaching Reiki I found that hands-on-healing training courses helped people with skin and breathing conditions immeasurably. Scientifically, we also know that Reiki healing oxygenates the blood cells. 

Yes, I did remove bandages of others that came with their hands wrapped in bandages when they came asking for help with their healing.  So how deep is your love? 

I remember when the LORD spoke of the "Writ" and all you have to do is put the leaves upon it. I remember him speaking of the healing in the sunshine, and being shown two open doors, a pink door, and then a golden door, then in the distance was a magnificent tree. I viewed it as a tree of life as it stood so large in the sunshine.

I like to grow some of my own food do you? 

I tend to what has grown and cook with it. 

It gives you such a sense of freedom and self-reliability. 

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