
Tuesday 8 January 2019

Garden Heart Photography

I managed to move some garden photographs from the mobile phone to the computer this evening, I hope that you like these first close ups from 2018, as much as I do.

In the first photograph you can see a selection of herbs, thyme, Greek basil, bay leaf, and chives. You can also see the celery growing.

These are my chilli's. 

When young David came to my home in December he ate some chilli's straight off of the plant. A loving thought is sent to him everyday and with all my heart I hope that he is safe in the wings of love. Righteousness brings one to life and living it.

Each year I buy a Lily in memory of my mother. 

In 2017 it was a white lily, in 2018, it was pink. 

In the book of Hosea it mentions the Lily, 

interesting then that my mother married the Son of Joseph.

On my first mission to Israel, in 2006, 
I felt compelled to gift an Israeli family with a white Lily of Peace. 

My hope for Israel and humanity is still in my heart. 

Shalom, be whole. 

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