
Tuesday 1 January 2019


Are you feeling it's transformational energy, between Christmas and New Year, I've been engaged in transformation. The solar eclipse is in Capricorn and for yours truly that is about my soul journey, and divine mission.

As one mission is completed, another begins, and new moons are also about new beginnings. It's a partial solar eclipse that begins on the 5th, and the 5th of January is the "Day of Recovery" in numerics. 2019 compounds to three and that is the numeric of wisdom.

So it looks like it is going to be a much more productive year time for yours truly in 2019. More about what I like to do, rather than what I have to do. A much more enjoyable time is indicated by this eclipse in 2019, more relaxed, a year for a vacation too. Bear in mind, that I haven't had a vacation since 2008, so I'm happy that things are moving forward in the right direction.

Some of us have held a dream in our hearts since we were in our 20s, so this is the time and year to manifest it and not let anything get in the way of it. As it is a year of karmic changes. What you have given, you do receive many blessings in life.

For some of you this eclipse will come on the 6th depending upon where you live on the planet.

This eclipse is a saros 122, and the last time we had a saros 122 partial solar eclipse was on Christmas Day in the year 2000. 2000 was a great year, and the year of my Reiki Mastership.

It's time for us to manifest our dreams in England and in other countries that are ruled by Capricorn. Some years ago I had a dream of getting off of a plane in a European location with the pilot. As I did so, I was waving goodbye to all of those people that were leaving the plane too. I haven't boarded a plane since I received that dream, although I hope to do so this year.

As we recover our European nations and historical cultures in 2019, the energy has a very enthusiastic, positive, and exciting energy with it. In England particularly, people are ready to go, as we have council elections in May. Although the goat is surefooted, balanced, and forthright.

Steady as she goes, comes to mind as I write this, the watchtower for the flock, wearing a frock.

Wisdom likes feminine curves, and feminine flowing clothes, she enjoys being a real woman with a real bosom and everything that is natural and pure. As steady as a rock, an advanced spiritual woman, cannot be swayed from the highway of holiness and the healing that is in her heart. And it was advanced spiritual men that called for wisdom.

I remember when the LORD said, "Rock stars sang about you". Big smiles.

The love is powerful, heartfelt, and has an important point of focus for important reasons. We are on it in the heart of integrity. All of our creations, content, and rejuvenation of it is special and precious to us. It is our life's work to help humanity, the reason that we came to be on this planet in this timeline. For there is no other time greater than this, in the present moment when past, present and future merge into a new era of a new beginning.

For what real love is this, do you know it, have you lived it, have you given it. That is what you have to ask yourselves this year, what did you give to wisdom during your life on the planet.

Filo Mince Pies 

A 122 numeric is a great numeric to have for this series, I do remember how my life took off again in 2000 in miraculous ways, truly divine. 22 is also the numeric of leadership, charity and angels. So we can say that the millennium children that are ready, they will come now for the next phase of the divine plan.

Rik says that the last time we had this planetary configuration was 24 years ago, he's talking about the placement of Venus moving into Sagittarius, my ascendent sign. What I can tell you is that 24 years ago was an excellent time for yours truly, prosperous in work, in spirituality, I was having a fabulous time helping and guiding an international clientele. I was also running two different companies from home. As my son was still in secondary school in that timeline.

How different life is in 2019, I feel very mellow listening to this music, relaxed, focussed on the next phase of my life. Steve Judd says that there is no mars in the Aquarians chart until April/May 2020, so a much easier time of it for yours truly. Some say that my birth chart says I will be living out of a suitcase for the next couple of years, that wouldn't surprise me at all. Travelling is certainly on the horizon.

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