
Tuesday 1 January 2019


While in the kitchen thinking about what I was going to cook for New Year's Eve, suddenly I received a flood of the aroma of freshly baked mince pies right under my nose.  I knew it was Yahweh because he often talks to me while I am in the kitchen, he likes me to eat, and he likes me cooking.

So why the mince pies? At Christmas he asked for pies too and all I had in stock was mince pies. What's the importance of the mince pies and the mincemeat? Wikipedia share with us that the filling of the modern mince pie can be traced to the return of the European crusaders from the Holy land, e.g. Israel.

I did make some mince pies last night, although I made the casing with filo pastry, to hold the mincemeat and then put marzipan hearts on the top, a fabulous recipe and they look stunning. Filo or phyllo in Greek means "leaf", a very thin unleavened dough.

He shows me something new every day, who ever would've thought that our mincemeat mixture came from Israel. Due to it being such a British thing to eat at this time of the year. So what does all of this mean? If I take all of the recent divine messages into account, I think it's a job done, my mission defending Israel has been completed in 2018.

That means that in 2019 I can get on with my own life and the next phase of the divine plan.

Dayenu Seder

As I used to say, onwards and upwards - great hearts.

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