
Tuesday 4 December 2018

Suzanne Evans Resigns From UKIP

Great news today, Suzanne Evans has resigned from UKIP. Evans, the former Conservative councillor always was a thorn in the side of UKIP's progress.

Wisdom supports the choices that Gerard Batten has made, wisdom supports Tommy Robinson too. It's a victorious time for Gerard, Lord Pearson and Tommy and it does align with planetary configurations.

As the people will embrace those that embrace them in this timeline of the cancer north node transit for safety and security, and for the future and longevity of our countries in the UK. The populous movement of our people is growing stronger each day and major shifts are happening as more and more people wake up to what has been happening in our country.

You can't baton the Batten, his baton is bigger than yours Suzanne!

Our Black cabbies have blocked the bank junction in London, go for it guys!

More from Gerard Batten in this interview with Sargon. People can now join UKIP for just £4 a month.

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