
Monday 3 December 2018


Rik shares with us that there is a new moon on the 6th of December 11:20pm PST, at 15 degrees square Mars/Neptune in Pisces. It's also Hanukkah, Jewish festival of lights until the 10th of December, 2018. Lighting the candles each evening, keeping the light on.

I have a Sagittarius ascendent sign, so I like new moons, when they come in a positive aspect of my chart. Sagittarius the archer, the traveller too.

The 6th of December is the "Day of Extraction" in numerics. So ponder upon what you are going to be extracting from your life to improve it.  Sometimes that can mean extracting yourself from a job, from a business, sometimes it is from people, sometimes it is making plans to change locations in the future.

Some people are extracting themselves from Facebook and Twitter, you might find yourself extracting yourself from a financial situation, or extracting extra finances to help with your move forward.  With the north node in cancer it also maximises making plans for the future, to make your lives more safe and secure.

Hence, it is a victorious time for people like Gerard Batten and our patriots that are defending our countries in the UK. I'm also being shown that it is a positive time for yours truly in my work life, especially in helping the younger generations.

Big developments happening, the bigger picture, the panoramic view. In this video Rik mentions the "spiritual battles", and that aligns with a recent dream that I received of one woman wining -v- two women. The reason that I won the battle was due to the sheer quality of what I shared, defending yourself when people battle against you is much easier when you've done your homework and some times that can take years before a person is ready to take it on.

In the case of the recent dream, it's not about the quantity of the people, it's about the quality of the person, experience in life is essential, and what you have to offer others in the work and personal life.

The quality of culture and living is also a very important aspect of what is happening. Quality of life and standard of living is very important to Sagittarius, wherever they go, whatever they do, it has to be quality.

For instance I'd rather eat less and have high quality nutrients. Another reason why I began to grow my own food in 2017. However, if you are over the age of 40, you are less likely to be frugal food wise, due to your health requirements and the sheer cost of nutrients that you may require. Hence food and nutrient security is also very important for the future.

Wisdom more precious than rubies is certainly preparing for what could be ahead in 2019, as it will be a great year for wisdom with 2019 being a three year numerically. What I am noticing more and more now is an urging, a pushing me forward, to be with those that embrace what I embrace at this phase of my life. It's far healthier for you to be with those that have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, and the hearts to understand what you are sharing.

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