
Sunday 23 December 2018


It was full moon on the 22nd of December, and during the night waking up on the 23rd of December, I received a funny dream.

In western astrology it was full moon in Cancer and planetary wise we are in the karmic north node in Cancer until 2020. In Vedic astrology (the Indians have a different system) it was full moon in Gemini the communicator.

Anyway, I had this funny dream of a former solicitor, and he was on a stage talking about a book that he'd written about God. There were loads of women in the audience that were laughing and giggling at him, as they knew his "criminal" history.

I was meant to be having a meeting that day, but it had to be postponed because the women wished to party together. So the woman and I that was meant to be having the meeting, just went with the flow.

In dream interpretation, dreaming of a party "pertains to social matters and it is considered to be more fortunate if you were going to a party, rather than giving one". In the dream we were in a pub like venue with a large conference hall with a stage, a banqueting suite. 

Then there was the bar that was full of tables and they were covered with red tablecloths. In the dream after we left the conference hall we moved into the bar area to have a drink. 

Although the dream appeared to be more about the people than the venue itself. That's important when you are looking at the interpretation of dreams, you have to be aware of what was the most prominent in the dream, as they are the major factors to be considered. 

If you see someone giving a speech, it is referred to as an oration, and in dream interpretation it can "predict a necessity to sever a debilitating relationship".  

To hear others laughing and giggling in a dream is a dream of contrary and it can indicate a "broken friendship", "unhappiness or disappointment in love". I do know that the wife of the solicitor did feel like that prior to her passing over in real life, in fact, she experienced that more than once, in more than one relationship. It was such a sad story, his wife was so beautiful in so many different ways. 


Postponement or delay with a meeting can be in connection to money or financial affairs in dream interpretation. Taking all of that into account I think it is a message for a woman that I know and I will share the dream with her when I see her in 2019. 

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