
Sunday 23 December 2018

23rd December, 2018 PARANORMAL BABY

At Christmas time in 2017, I received a divine painting that was to be called "Nativity".

This year I received a photograph and in the light of the Aquamarine candle holder, a baby appeared in the light of it. It is worth making a blog post to share this beautiful picture taken with the camera on the computer.

The baby looks like a baby boy.

Some have noticed the peacock bird with the baby, and peacocks are about multi-dimensional consciousness. I hope that you like the photograph it was taken at 00.20am on the 23rd of December, 2018, by yours truly. In numerics, the 23rd of December is the "Day of Groundbreaker".

I shall call the photograph "PARANORMAL BABY" as baby Jesus was certainly paranormal. What an amazing gift to receive, truly divine.

In Christian spiritual symbology the peacock is symbolic of immortality, resurrection, the glorified soul. since it renewed its plumage and its flesh was believed to be incorruptible. It was considered to be a symbol of the saints. Surmounting an orb it depicted rising above worldly things. In some cultures it was a symbol of the goddess and wisdom.

For more information about the peacock symbology in different cultures, I recommend a book by author J.C.Cooper,  An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols.

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