
Monday 17 December 2018


Following the divine message received last week, "IN DEEP, ITALIA CONTE". 

In this video Salvini told Luxembourg "We won't replace our people".

Conte in Italian means "With You". 

Yes, Italy is with me, always in my heart. 

The Italians even translated the divine teachings received during the Rev 12 timeline into Italian, and posted it on Italian spiritual websites.

Great practical support was given by the Italians to yours truly, and we had a great harmonic concordance in Florence. The power of love that was pouring out upon yours truly while I was travelling to Italy was HOT, very HOT, it was such a powerful harmonic epiphany.

Italy was blessed, and in return Italy blessed yours truly divinely.  It is unforgettable, so it makes my heart sing, to see how Italy is defending itself from invaders and the globalists.

For has it is written, Prophet Isaiah warned us not to make all of the fields one. How many mystics were shown that reality? At least the Italians honoured the source, I can't say the same about the Americans that removed my name from the articles that were distributed. What honour or integrity is there in that?

Some divine teachings that had been distributed internationally was picked up in America and sent back to the UK. Then a doctor, an author into physics and science in England, called out the Americans and told them who had originally distributed that information.

I can say with my hand on my heart, that the spiritual Italians, have more integrity and honour than some other countries and nations. The Italians also had more integrity in their farming community too. Not only integrity, but they offered yours truly great hospitality. The Italians know what is required, they know what they must do to defend their country and people.

Yours truly applauds Salvini, the love for your Italian people and historical culture makes the journey worthwhile. Divine help, and divine intervention. The bible says that nothing like this has ever happened before, and never will it happen again.

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