
Tuesday 18 December 2018


Last night prior to sleep I spoke to the LORD and asked him what his will is in relation to a young woman that is in hospital and whether I am allowed to intervene with his power of healing.

In response I was given a dream a male healer with the name of Caritas was in the dream with a blonde haired female healer. The two healers refused to let me give a person healing in the healing room and the healers gave their reason being that he could see my "tits" e.g. my cleverage.

There was a bit of an argument over it, prior to yours truly leaving, as my view was that he should be concentrating on the healing and not looking at me whilst giving healing.

The root of the word "Caritas" is Carus and it means "dear, expensive". It can also mean "coma with complete insensibility; deep lethargy". 

The word has it's origins in Ancient Greek "Karos" and it means "deep sleep".

In dream interpretation if there is a disagreement in the dream, it is a dream of contrary, it can also be a warning not to be impulsive and think carefully before you act. The upshot of the dream was that in this specific health case, I had not been given permission to intervene with divine intervention.

I always taught my students that permission is vitally important, as it involves the spiritual law. Also we were taught not to send healing during operative procedure especially if there were any bones involved.

In dream interpretation, if a woman's bust is featured it can mean good news is coming, the larger the bust the more fortunate the news will be. Breasts are also comforting in dream interpretation. In the holy manna of divine teachings received during the Rev 12 timeline I was instructed to "Let them drink from the bosom of your wisdom".

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