
Tuesday 6 November 2018

UNIT 21 Message

I keep on asking where would he like me to go, as I would like confirmation, after he said, "You are ready to go".

Then last night, prior to sleep I received the message, "UNIT 21". 

A UNIT is a group of people working together as part of a larger group.

"Unit 21" can be found in English speaking education.

The Hebrew gematria of 21 is Ekyeh.

Today, Mars moves into Aquarius, 6th of November - 22nd of December 2018 and some astrologers say that Israel is ruled by the water bearer.

That would make sense when you look at the locations that I was sent to in Israel in 2006 and we even carried out harmonic epiphany at the sea of Galilee.

John 21

I was also sent as far south as Ein Gedi and there I was in the swimming pool with the disabled children. I was sitting on a pole in the swimming pool meditating and I asked where are the children that you wished for me to meet, holy Mother Mary said, "open your eyes." Suddenly, there they were, I was surrounded in children, lovely memory to keep in my heart.

There has been news recently that fish have begun to appear in the sinkholes in the Dead Sea in Israel and some are saying that fulfils an Ezekiel prophecy chapter 47.

21 is the numeric of the world card in the tarot 2+1 = 3 and that numeric is associated with wisdom. It was for 333 and the Sophia wisdom gateway opening that I was sent to Greece and that fulfilled a biblical prophecy in the book of Daniel.

Harmonic epiphany was also carried out for the ceremony, and whilst blessing the water of Greece at the third gateway, there were three fishermen where I was. It was so absolutely divine, I took a photograph of them to prove it.

Wisdom more precious than rubies.

Komilla Sutton shares with us that mars comes down from a high in Capricorn, although it could be better off in Aquarius as there is no conjunction with karmic Ketu. It looks like it's going to be a much easier time for yours truly as today there are big planetary shifts.

Jupiter Transit Sagittarius November 8th.

6th of November, Day of Vigour, North Node Cancer - South Node Capricorn.

For those of you that are celebrating DIWALI this year, Happy Festival of Lights, Guruji.

Of course best wishes to everyone in America, President Donald John Trump and the mid-term elections. He is the only President in the history of America that has had so much international support from people from all walks of life.

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