
Wednesday 7 November 2018


The 7th of November, is the "Day of Discovery", it's also new moon in Scorpio today.

No coincidence then that Dr Greger has uploaded a new video on best brain foods, berries and nuts.

It's not just about the nitrates, as the LORD guided us, it is about the MANGANESE. Also oxygen can be increased in the brain and it's blood cells by receiving Reiki healing that increases the oxygen by at lest 30%. You also get more oxygen to the brain whilst doing inversion therapy and I recommend inversion for children e.g. head stands for children that had a traumatic birth. 

With the north node in Cancer now planetary wise, you also have to make sure that you are getting enough zinc and make sure that your gut flora that impacts upon the brain is working efficiently. Of course there are foods that can help your gut flora, and garlic and cumin is great for the intestines too.  

So for instance this week I've made some humous and sprinkled cumin seeds on the top of it because the LORD asked for CUMIN and that is a preserver of the intestines. 

I've also made a Chili Conservative Carne with red kidney BEANS, CAPSICUM, onions, tomatoes, lots of garlic, mince beef, with some cumin too. 

What else have I made this week? I made a cake for TRUMP with cranberries, golden sultanas and hazelnuts, I also included some ground almond.  It's going to have a lemon butter filling, and a coffee and chocolate brazil nut cream topping. With brazil nuts, you are only allowed to eat one a day. 

I do like walnut and coffee cake too. It's interesting that you can offer nuts and berries to elderly people and if they have stomach/intestine issues, they often refuse. Yet, if you bake them a cake they will eat it, big smiles. As my gran Sophia used to say, where there is a will there is always a way. 

As far as Trump is concerned and the mid-terms, he has been protected with the sword of truth that pricks the conscience of those that have been sleeping. It was divine timing for  it. The sword of truth was the ace card, and it stood between the drama and Trump so that Trump would be protected from the past dramas created by the Liberal Democrats.

Trump lives in the present and the Gem in I, Trump has a clear vision for the future of America. Apparently, his mercury is in the sign of cancer, so that would explain a lot about why he communicates the way that he does. 

On all accounts, Americans have shared that TRUMP has enough in his military budget to build his wall that he promised to the American people and voters to defend the country from invasion. It makes perfect sense if you think about it deeply. 

You can't have open borders where people can just walk into your country and stay. Nor would you wish for someone to do that to your house and home, every house and home has boundaries, every person has boundaries too. Boundaries and borders must be legal, and they must be enforced. 

Now it is time for man to move forward and make an acceptable offer to the woman that stands before him in his office, I anticipate a promotion for a female member of his team in preparation for 2020. 

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