
Saturday 10 November 2018


Countries pull out of the UN Migrant Pact, it includes USA and Hungary take the lead. The UN thought that they could redistribute wealth by redistributing people to different countries. Whereas real redistribution of wealth is when the rich share the wealth with the poor. 

Maggie Thatcher knew what the EU plan was when she said that the EU were planning to make the poor, poorer. That is what has happened in the UK, the poor, became poorer. That has happened in Greece too. I couldn't believe it when I saw containers with China on the side at the Greek port. 

Not only that but oriental children working the streets in Athens. I asked a restaurant owner where did all of these oriental children come from? 

He shared that they had been brought in under the guise that the Greeks didn't have enough people to build the Olympic stadium. We discussed the fact that they did the same in Australia and in the UK, same strategy, globalists tell the people that was the reason for the invasion of immigration. 

Salaries in real terms haven't increased since the 80s, whilst the cost of living soared, whilst the immigrants were piling in, property prices were going through the roofs, and 2 our of every three jobs was going to an immigrant. 

When people find the boundaries within themselves, they then also appreciate and respect the borders of countries. There has been so much immigration in the UK, that it is no longer safe to live in the UK. It hasn't been safe to live in America either, just look at Chicago. 

'FEAR IS DISPELLED", people are not afraid to stand up to the UN and say NO. People are not afraid to stand up to the EU and say NO!. People are not afraid when other people call them "Racist", we just hand their "race card" back to them. Build the border wall President Donald John Trump. 

The populous movement of people are committed to protect our own cultures and future for the children of our countries that are being invaded. The populous movement say NO, to cultural genocide. The populous movement say NO to the globalists and their invaders. 

You can tell the UN that ELIJAH sets fire to the UN Migrant Pact and my fire is spreading, with Jupiter in Sagittarius. My patience is beyond measure, but enough UN, enough EU, enough of all of you globalists that are promoting "collective education". Every culture is unique with unique characteristics and God made his creation that way. 

We will hold onto our uniqueness of our cultures and we will not put up with anyone that tries to take our uniqueness from our individual cultures. 

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