
Friday 9 November 2018


It's the end of a twelve year cycle and the start of a new one, with Jupiter in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is my ascendent sign, and Jupiter is the planet of expansion of the spiritual horizon to bring forth the opportunities that it offers.

I view this message that I've received as meaning it is the end of the Clinton and Obama era of the "power of fear politics".

It is a new phase of 'FEAR IS DISPELLED', that is the divine message that has been received.

I say new phase because the last time we had this transit was twelve years ago. 12 years ago and Sagittarius is the sign of the traveller, half man, half horse.

So think about what you were doing 12 years ago, in 2006, I was on my way to Israel and it was beautiful to be able to walk for three weeks upon the land dauntlessly. In 2007, I returned and enjoyed another two weeks walking upon the land.

12 years prior to that a lot was overcome and it was a huge spiritual awakening for yours truly. In those days I was always travelling, and touring with my spiritual work, always "dispelling fear" with the power of love. For it is the power of love that "dispels fear".

I will give you a spiritual example of that. I was at a Mind, Body and Soul exhibition. At the end of the exhibition as I was packing up to leave. A woman rushed over to me in tears, and shared that a reader had told her that her American dad, that she had only just found, would die before she arrived to America to meet him.

I reassured the woman, and asked her to stay calm, and that I would help her. I gave her my telephone number to phone for a free consultation, to put her mind and heart at rest.

That woman knows in her heart what I shared with her to put things right. That's what we call self-regulation in the field of spirituality. After that I asked organisers of the exhibition, not to allow that reader to be included with the professionals that had been vetted for their professionalism. That is self-regulation, "Fear is Dispelled", it is removed from the general public to ensure there is no harm done.

People often come with health conditions in "fear", it is our job to "dispel fear", and to help as many people as we can, in anyway, us healers can. To raise the vibration in the power of love and the heart of integrity. Isn't that what Jesus was doing too, "dispelling fear"? Of course it was, he told his followers to "Never be afraid", the "power of love -v- power of fear."

That doesn't mean that we don't give those that are ready the benefit of our life experience. Those that have done their homework, give people what they are ready to hear when they ask for help, that's when they are ready to hear it. Otherwise it can trigger more in people than their bodies are ready for and in 2007, I warned Americans about that when they were "Firing the Grids".

When a parent warns a child not to get too close to the fire, it's not just about discipline, and or being consciously aware of your actions; it's about the power of love that is compelled to protect. So when I ask someone not to pierce their meridians it is to protect their health. For the Lord preserves the souls of his saints. Septuagint, Psalm 96.

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