
Thursday 22 November 2018


Peoples are eating less potatoes apparently. However, there has been a massive spudpocalyse, that indicates that potato prices will increase. The report advises that the potato crops will be impacted upon for the next five years, you certainly won't get me eating insects that are being socially engineered upon humanity.

No excuse for high cost food. When 1 million pounds of food can be produced on three acres of land to include 500 fish. 

This year was my second year of growing food and my capsicums that I grew from seed, are strong, and still producing fruit. So are the chilli's that are now as big as my thumb. I still have strawberries ripening believe it not and pak choi to eat too. Spinach is still growing, and the herbs are doing great.

My healing room is full of plants with fruit for overwintering. 

Now the garlic is sprouting and the saffron is coming along fine outdoors. I'm so enjoying growing food and learning about growing different food and when, it is a hobby that I love. My capsicums and chilli's are my babies and I talk to them everyday.  When I meet people that are into gardening I ask them, can you eat it? I still have some homegrown tomatoes in the fridge. We had such a wonderful summer in 2018, I so miss the summertime and being out in the garden in the hot sun. 

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