
Wednesday 21 November 2018


While painting this evening Jesus spoke and he said, "Reason to Live", Jesus likes to give names to some of our paintings, sometimes he speaks while I am spreading the paint, sometimes he gives a name when a painting is finished.  I will upload the painting to this blogpost at daylight. He loves me to work with colour and to paint, and so does the holy Father.


Size A3, the painting is much lighter in three different colours, Aquamarine, lavender, and gold. 

This colour of Aquamarine is very strong with yours truly at this time and I have a ring this colour, a special ring that holds great sentiment and memories of my parents love for each other. I carry their devoted love for each other in my heart.

Did you know that what your parents eat, and what their parents eat impacts upon you and your health when you are born? The generations and their health and nutrients, was it great for you?

I think we were fortunate, as mum's dad owned a dairy, so there was an abundance of dairy products that are important for the strength of the bone structure. My dad also ate a lot of protein when he got married.

Aquamarine a semi-precious stone, a serene colour of serenity, is your love serene, is it has deep as the ocean, does it flow like a gentle and holy stream?

It's a beautiful calming colour to wear on your body.  Aquamarine, a colour of fluid, fluidity flowing, some associate this colour with the throat and the voice, the level of consciousness of saying "I am blessed, we are blessed". When this colour is given, it is for appreciation of what has come to be, the holy stream to see, inside it is the key for those that wish to be free.

"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.  This command I received from my Father". John  10:16-18 NIV

Size A3, four different colours. Gold, Aquamarine, Turquoise, and Amethyst.

Christmas gold, the colour of amber that is also protective to wear around the throat. I once had a lovely chunky amber necklace I gifted it to a woman in the 90s as she required it more than I did at the time. 

Christos gold, Amber the colour of honey. I think of her sometimes and hope that she is doing great. 

Honey and lemon is great for the throat during the wintertime, protective. Golden sultanas I eat every day, brilliant for the joints, they have to be golden. 

He then said, "You are a missionary". 

The equivalent in Hebrew would be a "Mitzvah", on a mission, spreading the love.

Interesting that it is written that in the Second Temple period inscriptions on Jewish tombs often included, the Greek "phil-entolos", "lover of the commandments".

He also said, "SANCTUM"

"Reason to live,
You are a missionary, Sanctum".

Place a crab shell upon your heart with your healing hands on top, feel how comfortable and serene it feels. My crab shell is as big as my hands and it feels beautiful with the energies of the ocean.  

The 21st of November, the "Day of Elegance".

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