
Wednesday 28 November 2018


While bathing this evening, I drifted off into dream state. I was in an old house and my son had brought members of the black community to our house. It was mainly women that he had brought and we were going to have a party.

As one of the women was leaving I asked her to keep her children safe. 

She laughed and turned to me and said, "Don't make me afraid". I replied, as I held her arm in her raincoat. "If you go out in the rain, you put your raincoat on don't you? It's not because you are afraid of the rain is it? It's basic common sense".  She smiled as she left as she had got the point of the analogy. 

Then a girl spoke to me and she said that she was her daughter, she began asking what I had said and the reasons for it, she was interested in what I had to say.

After that I spoke to my son, and asked him if he was coming for Christmas, and could he let me know next week as there would be a lot to get organised.  

He replied that he wouldn't be able to let me know next week. Then the dream ended. 

After that a business man had posted in social media that the British government had begun their "Project Fear2" about the "NO DEAL" with the EU. 

I think the dream shows us that BREXIT isn't going to get sorted this side of Christmas. From what I've seen on-line, a majority of Brits are saying "No deal", the populous that voted leave in the referendum are saying no to Theresa May. 

Then I had a real visitor at home and he shared that he had decided to go home to see his family for Christmas and I am pleased for him. 

In dream interpretation, if Christmas is in your dream it can indicate that there are happy family, and  social times ahead. Next week was mentioned in the dream, and next week is the Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah. 

Rain in dream interpretation can have many different meanings, dependent upon what type of rain it was, although mostly it is related to an improvement in prosperity, and if it is a blowing rainstorm it can mean unexpected wealth due to a legacy. A dream of a coat can also relate to prosperity. 

My mother had a saying, "Save up for a rainy day". 

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