
Wednesday 28 November 2018


Our barrister MEP in the EU parliament gives you his response to the BREXIT that Theresa May has put forward.

One of the reasons that Maggie Thatcher was ousted by the globalists, is because she kept on saying, No, No, No, to the EU plan to make the "rich, richer, and the poor, poorer" in the UK. 

Advance warning was given, and who was listening? Certainly not the globalists that didn't care a toss that our people would be plummeted into poverty with mass immigration. Or that property prices would soar accommodating mass immigration. 

Certainly not the financial investors that didn't care that our people were suffering, certainly not the stake holders and shareholders, that didn't care that our NHS was being privatised. Certainly not the Jeremy Hunt's of this world that were celebrating when they took the pensions from hard working British women that started full-time work at age 15. 

Did you know that was an EU directive? It's happening throughout Europe, the EU plan to standardise everything instead of allowing our historic cultures to be unique. Although, in other European countries women born in the 1950s have been treated differently to the UK, and it has been brought in gradually, instead of suddenly and instantly. 

In this video of our MEP Barrister, Steven explains how Theresa May has turned into Ted Heath. Although we know the career politician Theresa May has always been a globalist that our leave voters, voted against ! Globalist, Theresa May should've never been given the job of PM, as she couldn't even run the Home Office professionally. 

Theresa never ran a business like Maggie Thatcher or I did, nor did she have children and bring them up as a working mother as we did. Maggie understood the demands on working mum's, especially when running their own businesses. 

The British people were never told that they would have to suffer mass immigration and a huge reduction in job opportunities, they were never told that mass immigration was going to impact on their families ability to prosper in their homeland. Or the ability or our children being able to have an affordable home. 

Our people weren't told that foreign nationals will be taking your jobs, although that was clearly what Maggie was warning about. She did her utmost to encourage British manufacturing to "Invest in People", our people, and she kept on saying, "Buy British". How much clearer could her message have been, yet who had the ears to hear? 

The globalists were intent on removing jobs out of the UK, too and the corporations achieved it after Maggie was ousted. I didn't agree with everything that Maggie did, as she was trying to keep a balance within her cabinet. 

However, I can respect her for trying to do her best. Even in helping people that lived in social housing as those people are now spending less on a mortgage than they would've been if they were paying rent, they're now paying 1/4 and less of what they would be in rent. 

Maggie was trying to hand over some of the assets to the British working class who she knew were hard workers, because she knew what was coming, so she tried to prepare people the best that she could to reduce your cost of living, as she knew it was going to soar with property prices due to mass immigration that the EU were pushing forward. It's also the UN plan to push another 100M people from third world countries onto western countries. 

Just look how America is having to defend it's border from the invaders. Ask yourselves do you stand against mass immigration, do you stand against poverty imposed upon our people, do you stand against cultural genocide of our countries? If you do, join UKIP!

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