
Thursday 4 October 2018


For the last week, every day, numerous times a day I have received the word "SEPTUAGINT" clairvoyantly.  It is written that the word comes from the Latin; septuaginta that means "seventy". LXX

Otherwise known as the Greek Old Testament. Repeatedly, I find myself being sent towards Greek reality.

70 days from now takes us to the 13th of December, 70 days from when I first began to receive the word "Septuagint" takes us to the first week in December.

This young woman has done a short history on the Septuagint, it's informative up to a point, although I'm sure that we don't agree on everything. I do agree with her point of Sons of God, as that is also found in the Geza Vermes translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

You also find "Spirit of God' in Geza's translation. I can recommend his books, he's very easy to read, although we differ on some of his interpretations of symbology found in the DSS. Symbology is incredibly important if people wish to appreciate the deeper meanings and layers of the mystical ancient texts.

International Septuagint Day is in February, 8th of February. The 8th of February is the "Day of Precognition" in numerics.


  1. If you are interested, you may like to read this article that examines a specific case of interpretation and it's meanings. "Kephale" does not meant leader.

  2. Finally got around to ordering something from the Septuagint, I thought I'd start off with the Psalms.
