
Thursday 4 October 2018


A song for these incoming "Venus in Retrograde" energies that are incoming. A Greek name and some say that those that are given that birth name are known as "Elsa", that would make sense as a Greek-Cypriot aunt is known as Elsa. Elsa gave birth to three lovely children that we loved dearly, cousins always in my heart. 

Their dad was at my christening and he is my godfather, he has the birth name of the apostle John. 

My godmother was my mother's best friend and she lived in Dagenham with her family, that's where her husband worked. 

The Christening ceremony, so precious to so many Christians, how precious a child is in the sight of God and his Son. Every child with the potential to renew and rejuvenate creation and it's freedom, allowing children to grow naturally in the natural spiritual law of cosmos. 


Apparently the word means "Freedom" in Greek and it is included in the motto of Greece and freedom is a key word for Aquarians. How amazing is that piece of information as the last time I was in Greece I gave them the "Freedom March" composition from Vangelis as their theme tune. 

That's HOT, really hot, power of love beyond measure. I will have to take my jumper off now. 

There are different spellings of it, and this is how to pronounce it. 

London Greek Newspaper

Other nick names include Ria and Ellie. 

It is written that there was a Greek saint with that name, St Elefterios, the male equivalent, protector of pregnant women, pro-life! 


Name day is December the 15th and that is the "day of encounter". December is very positive in my birth chart this year.

The sun is shining and there are blue skies today. The last time I was in Greece, I said to a healer, "are you running away from me, come and receive some healing" and I received some healing in return. I remember he said to yours truly, "you should have reflexology every month". Yes, boss! 

My body was hurting on that trip on the Greek mainland. I had to bring the flight forward and fly home a day earlier than intended. The dormitory beds at his place were so uncomfortable, they weren't made for my back. I could've moved into a hotel, although due to the rainy weather I just wished to get home as soon as I could. 

The weather does impact upon my body, my olive skinned body is sensitive to it, my body just loves being in the sunshine, that is when it is the healthiest. 

In this article it mentions Parrhesia and Peter and John, incredible really that uncle Peter and John were there at the end as we were leaving. Namesake of the companions of Jesus. 

I still remember John's face when he said, "I'm your godfather" as tears rolled down my cheeks in bereavement, and Peter was hugging me in his arms. 


Virtue is greater than any value that you can place upon it.

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