
Thursday 27 September 2018

TITANS TV - Tommy Trial Live Stream

All the media were at the Old Bailey today, the world was watching what was happening today at the trial of Tommy Robinson.

As far as I am aware, the judge has adjourned the case and given a new court date of the 23rd of October.

As you can see from this TITANS TV live stream, the atmosphere in London was electrifying. This is our people power as the love poured out into London city for Tommy Robinson.

If you read the Daily Express they tell you that there were 100s there, if you watch the TITANS TV live coverage, you can see for yourself there were 1,000s of people that attended. 

Who do you believe, what the MSM choose to tell you, or what the three hours of the filming shows you?

It was lovely weather today in the UK too, blue skies and sunshine. Dad used to say, the sun shines on the righteous. Love to everyone that was able to make it there today to support Tommy, the love poured out of the rich hearts. Brave souls, the courageous Brits, singing out at the tops of their voices.

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